What's cooking 8/24/10?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Tentative plans are fried smoked ham steak, turnip greens (frozen with turnip pieces) fried in ham drippings, baby red & yukon potatoes or sweet potato (whichever needs to be used the most), steamed broccoli, cauliflower & carrots.
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We've been longing for a comfort meal, and now that it's cooler today, I started a pot of gravy with meatballs and sausage, which will be served over spaghetti, and garlic bread on the side. This will be a nice change from all the grilling we've done all summer long.

Enjoy the day:chef:
Butterflied pork loin cooked on a Foreman grill.
It is over 100 degress and I don't want to even go outside to grill.

I will either stuff with pesto or a carmelized onions,raisin walnut,cranberry mixture.

Yesterdays Costco run yielded a big bag of spinach so I will probably serve that with garlic.

Most likely some white beans too.
Pan fried smoked ham steak, turnip greens (frozen with turnip pieces) fried in ham drippings, butter & spices, baby Red & Yukon potatoes (boiled, drained then smashed and tossed with butter & parsley), steamed broccoli, cauliflower & carrots.

Pan fried smoked ham steak, turnip greens (frozen with turnip pieces) fried in ham drippings, butter & spices, baby Red & Yukon potatoes (boiled, drained then smashed and tossed with butter & parsley), steamed broccoli, cauliflower & carrots.


There ya go...did it again...didn't ya. Yet another fabulous dinner from msmofet's kitchen.

I made blackened catfish, corn on the cob, and some crawdads.

We had a Santa Claus melon for dessert.
Just angel hair pasta with chicken and cream & herb sauce, and steamed petite peas with butter sea salt and cracked pepper.
We were forced to eat more of the ribs and potato salad from yesterday. I'm packing up the rest for a meal at work.

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