What's cooking Sunday, May 31, 2015?

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Chef Extraordinaire
May 9, 2007
Southeastern Virginia
No cooking for me tonight! I made big salads with romaine and red sails lettuce from the garden and the leftover grilled pork and veggies from last night's dinner and the last of the potato salad on the side. I put red-wine vinaigrette on mine and DH put tzatziki on his as the dressing. Good stuff.

What's on your table?


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Tried a chicken dish recommended by my brother...chicken breasts pounded then stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese, shredded pepper-jack and green onions, all wrapped in bacon and baked. We had rice cooked in chicken broth instead of water, Italian green beans and iced tea. We were waaaaay to stuffed for dessert.
I was shopping all day so I got a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and made some home fries and cole slaw.
The last of the rotisserie chicken will be used for Korean influenced quesadillas. I know that sounds weird but we had one off a Korean food truck recently and it was deeeelicious. I hope I can come close to what we had.
The last of the rotisserie chicken will be used for Korean influenced quesadillas. I know that sounds weird but we had one off a Korean food truck recently and it was deeeelicious. I hope I can come close to what we had.
She nailed it! We were waiting for our delayed flight at LAX, and I saw this Korean Lunch Truck in the food court in the terminal!
They offered a sweet chili chicken quesadilla that Kayelle loved. So, tonight she attempeted to replicate it.
Along with the chicken, she added grated cheese, cilantro, Go-chu-jano (Korean sweet and spicy sauce), and we topped them with Trader Joe's Sweet chili sauce, and a squirt of Sriracha.
It was great!!
We were going to grill some burgers. I got confused. I thought there were two packs of ground beef in the fridge, so I put one in the freezer. Well, it was one pack of ground beef and one of ground pork. The beef was the one I put in the freezer. We ordered out. I got chicken wings and Stirling got a Philly cheese sub. We had potato salad with that, since I had already made it to go with the burgers. :doh:
After all the French toast discussion in another thread, we had breakfast for supper. Heated up the last of the grilled ham, and made French toast with sweet bread. Delish!
I tested stovetop smoking using chicken thighs, served those with leftover coleslaw from an event today (for the coleslaw, I shredded green cabbage, purple cabbage, carrots. Strained the whey from a container of whole yogurt, a jar of mayonnaise, celery seeds, salt, freshly ground pepper, brown sugar, harissa EVOO, cayenne EVOO, red pepper flakes). It was really good--almost everyone went back for seconds and wanted to know where the organization bought the coleslaw. The chicken thighs were excellent. I marinated them first using EVOO, molasses, maple syrup, S&P, lemon juice. I used pecan chips, soaked, drained, put in the bottom of a roaster pan, rack, which I heated up on high. I added the chicken thighs (on the rack). Turned the heat down to medium, let that cook for 30 minutes (no peaking). Checked the chicken thighs after 30 minutes, let them smoke for another 5 minutes. No smoke in the kitchen. I now have a dedicated SS roaster for stovetop smoking.
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Well, we were going to have roast pork loin with a cherry sauce but neither one of us ended up feeling like cooking or going out so ended up ordering take-out from a fine-dining Italian restaurant that got pretty decent on-line reviews. Let's just say, we now have serious doubts about those people's palates. Caprese salad with unripe tomatoes (would have been good if they used decent tomatoes), carbonara with a FLOUR-based sauce, seriously over-cooked sausage and chicken, hard as rock cannoli shells, and I haven't even tried the tiramisu yet.
Well, we were going to have roast pork loin with a cherry sauce but neither one of us ended up feeling like cooking or going out so ended up ordering take-out from a fine-dining Italian restaurant that got pretty decent on-line reviews. Let's just say, we now have serious doubts about those people's palates. Caprese salad with unripe tomatoes (would have been good if they used decent tomatoes), carbonara with a FLOUR-based sauce, seriously over-cooked sausage and chicken, hard as rock cannoli shells, and I haven't even tried the tiramisu yet.

Well, that's disappointing. We've also eaten at an expensive and highly overrated Italian restaurant.

We just ended up nibbling leftovers here.
I made a prawn stock risotto (keeping prawn shells in freezer until enough to make a stock) that I added a bunch of chopped parsley to. Had this with pan fried sea bass fillets.

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