What's for Dinner Fri. Feb. 19

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
French onion soup, pork chops, scalloped potatoes,green beans with garlic and bacon..Dessert not sure most likely just ice cream.
What will be on your plate?;)
I'm thinking hamburgers and fries. Older son recently lost his job and will be here doing laundry to save money. If he wasn't coming over, it'd be leftovers.
French onion soup, pork chops, scalloped potatoes,green beans with garlic and bacon..Dessert not sure most likely just ice cream.
What will be on your plate?;)

hmmmm I think I'm coming to your house! That sounds better than the broiled cod with spinach and fingerling potatoes I have planned. ;)
Whatever is on the menu, we're eating out tonight for our 16th. anniversary.

Happy Annivesary! Be sure to let us know what you chose for dinner.

It will be left overs here. I made a beef stew out of leftover roast, gravy and veg from the fridge. Also have some swiss steak left and some of the roast chicken (hmmm should I make a quick chicken and dumplings????)
We are having turkey breast with dressing, gravy, green peas, cranberry sauce and fruit for dessert.
French onion soup, pork chops, scalloped potatoes,green beans with garlic and bacon..Dessert not sure most likely just ice cream.
What will be on your plate?;)

Yum! Sounds good, I'll bring some bread! :chef: Way better than my lazy idea of fettucine alfredo (made from scratch of course) and french bread.
Mac'n'Cheese with sautéed crimini mushrooms


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Happy Annivesary! Be sure to let us know what you chose for dinner.

Be glad to, went to Longhorn Steakhouse for an early dinner. I was accompanied by my wonderful husband of course and the best 13 year old on earth, my son.
Started out with their new Housemade Chips and Dip (awesome), Caesar Salad , and their new Bacon Crusted Sirloin (awesomest). Unfortunately I had no room for dessert.
Happy Anniversary, getout! Hope you have many more happy ones!

I made shrimp lo mein tonight. DH and I went with his sis and BIL to an oriental superstore that GB told me about: H-Mart in Burlington, MA. Brought home all sorts of goodies last Saturday and wanted to use up the last of them. Didn't think to take a pic before we dug in...this is all that was left in the wok:

and then I finished it up! It was supposed to serve four...:pig:
a cheese burger casserole from betty crocker, in oven now. i made bread pudding earlier in the day, that will be dessert. gotta give granddaughter most of the burger deal. way to much for me to eat.
Tonight's dinner was a concoction born of end of the week laziness.

Some boneless skinless chicken thighs browned in a saute pan. Add to that a can of Rotel, water and a box of Goya black beans and rice and simmer until done.
Kathleen has been asking for fish sandwiches all week. She is working late this week so I made them tonight. Served with fries.
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