What's for Dinner, Thursday, September 4, 2008?

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whoops.. change in plans... no time tonight...Probably Friday for the pork..

Tonight Fried potatoes and corn on the cob.. Fast and easy.
Suzie, the chicken was very good but I think my fried rice missed the mark since my husband said how good the "stuffing" was. hmmm.
Eggplant stew with spaghetti squash and multi-grain bread. May everyone enjoy whatever it is they have for dinner.
Love and energy, Vicki
Well, I am making the same as Elain and Suzie, and I agree, it smells WONDERFUL!! I'm just making rice and peas to go with it. WIsh I had some sort of bread to add, but oh well....
I love pasties, but get tired of the diced round steak in them...So I used some shredded pork, added some onion and diced potato I sauted then brushed on some bbq sauce closed em up and baked..added a green salad loaded with avocado and tomatoes and red onion rings..Not to bad.
Dessert will be an apple cake..Our apple trees are so loaded the branches have to be propped...I have a feeling we will be sick of the Fuji and Gala's before to long:LOL:

Oh the chicken turned out SO GOOD in the crock!
Left the skin on til the end.... took out the bones... served over rice and I did add the green pepper the last hour. 3 Hours total on high.
Will do again!!!
I didn't get around to making my chicken, but it will still be good tomorrow. With the game going on, this has been the only thing I've eaten so far that required silverware :)


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My chicken turned out wonderful as well! I decided not to make Mamas Oatmeal Cookies, but I did make the 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies!!
Rotisserie chicken from market deli, rice and green beans.....my daughter devoured a whole bowl of green beans!!! Woohoo!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen:
Beef tacos, topped with Mexican cheeses, lettuce & tomatoes, a side of zucchini with corn and a pumpkin pie for dessert.
Pan seared delmonico steaks and fried green maters! I think my fried green maters were the best I ever made thanks to a wonderful tip I found in the fried green mater thead to drain on a wire rack. They were crispy, not soggy this time!
The trout came out excellent. I seasond the insides with Old Bay and lined them with lemon slices.

The salad was "ok". The feta kind of took over all the other flavors, espescially the fish. I would recommend you leave out the feta from the salad and just have a small dish tableside of feta to sprinkle on if you like.
The trout came out excellent. I seasond the insides with Old Bay and lined them with lemon slices.

The salad was "ok". The feta kind of took over all the other flavors, espescially the fish. I would recommend you leave out the feta from the salad and just have a small dish tableside of feta to sprinkle on if you like.

What no pics??.....me thinks your slacking;):LOL:

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