What's the last movie you watched?

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We watched our Netflix selection of Murder by Death, which is a silly movie that lampoons 5 of the most recognized mystery/crime detectives in literature. That is, Nick and Nora Charles, Charlie Chan, Miss Marple, Sam Spade, and Hercule Poirot.

It was a blast and the verbal and sight gags were hilarious. There were so many goofy things going on I'm pretty sure we missed a bunch.
We watched our Netflix selection of Murder by Death, which is a silly movie that lampoons 5 of the most recognized mystery/crime detectives in literature. That is, Nick and Nora Charles, Charlie Chan, Miss Marple, Sam Spade, and Hercule Poirot.

It was a blast and the verbal and sight gags were hilarious. There were so many goofy things going on I'm pretty sure we missed a bunch.

One of my all time favorite movies!

I have so many favorites, I could watch them all for the next three years.:rolleyes:
Just watched Dream House with Daniel Craig. Had me guessing almost to the end trying to figure it out. Lots of twist and turns to the story.
We are watching "Logan's Run" right now. I thought I had remembered most of the movie, but I had forgotten most of it! Still interesting after all these years.
Young Michael York!! YUM

The kids and I watched the James Bond film "A view to a kill". I own them all but this is not one of my favorites. I have not seen it years. I didn't remember just how 80's it was. Christopher Walken was trying to sink the silicon valley with a giant bomb induced earthquake.
LOVE the song!! Chris Walken is wonderful!
Last night we saw the newest version of "The Three Musketeers." It was ok but not great. It seemed to be made for teenagers and rather than write much new material it had every old cliche and joke in the book. For instance, the one about being in a battle of wits and being unarmed. Probably all fresh and new to the kids. ;) Some good action scenes.
Watched "The Replacement killers" tonight. I bought it over a year ago and finally unwrapped it. I can't see how it deserved an R rating but it was rated probably 20+ years ago. Tons of guns and the story was predictable.
James and I just finished watching a really good movie, "Seven Days in Utopia." It is about a golfer who learns some valuable golf lessons but mainly life lessons from a former golfer (played by Robert Duvall) in a small Texas town called Utopia. :cool:
Watching: Sweet November (the 1968 version with Anthony Newly and Sandy Dennis) for the first time.

I LOVE the Keanu Reeve and Charlize Theron version. I never knew that it was a remake.


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I went to "Hunger games" with some friends from my 7th grade class...
It is based off the book series which is really good as well. A few details were off but for the most part they did pretty good. It is about a futuristic world where there were 13 districts and a capital but after a rebellion from the districts, district 13 was wiped off the map and the capital started something called the hunger games where they send 24 children (a boy and a girl from each district) into an arena and last one standing wins. in the movie it is the 74th annual hunger games and katniss everdeen volunteered to go into the arena in place of her sister. She wants to win because she needs to come home to take care of her sister because her dad died in a mining explosion a couple years ago and when that happened her mom went into depression and stopped working which left katniss to fend for her and her sister. the last year her mom started working again but katniss won't forgive her for that. Katniss is really good at shooting a bow and arrow and is known for that. in the movie she finds out the boy sent from her district, peeta mellark, has had a crush on her forever but only one can come out alive. I highly recommend this movie. but it has some slightly bloody scenes so only children who dont get squimish easily but I saw as young as 10 in the theather and maybe even a little younger would be okay.
Written by my 13 year old daughter.
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