What's the last movie you watched?

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I watched the 2011 film, The Other Boleyn Girl on Netflix. It was beautifully done and very interesting to me, but not for everyone.

We watched that this afternoon.. Enjoyed it..

We are currently down to the last 4 episodes of The Tudors and I found it a bit interesting that the 2 productions had a different take on the Boleyn Girls.. :ermm:

Not light viewing -
Netflick's "Precious" - hard life but well done and I highly recommend.- hope the message to society is heard.
SC and I had a movie date today and saw the new Dumbo movie. It was my favorite childhood story and I even cried again when they took his mother away. We both loved this remarkable and entertaining production, not just for children. Cheryl, you must take Tyler and you'll both love it.


Thanks, Kay! It's playing here now. Hopefully my daughter, Tyler, and I can go see it this weekend. Great cast, and since it's a Tim Burton film, I can imagine the great special effects. :)
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Mary Poppins Returns is finally out on Redbox. When I was a babe, I made my parents sit through Mary Poppins SIXTEEN TIMES! So I’m really excited to see the “sequel!” Tomorrow or Thursday night. I’ll double-dose Mark so he’ll sleep through it, instead of talk through it (unless he loves the movie, he’ll talk, and talk, and talk. And he expects me to listen).
We watched Spiderman - Into The Spiderverse and Bumblebee on the weekend. They were both really good. I only watched the first two Transformers movies and wasn't impressed. This one definitely topped them!

And the latest Spiderman movie was cute. I can see why it won the Oscar. Very original and refreshing.
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Watched 2004's "Secret Window" starring Johnny Depp and noone else. Meh. He acted well, but there was nothing else around his acting. I kept watching and waiting for more. It wasn't that bad for a movie based on Stephen King's one millionth story.
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I just watched Welcome to Marwen. Very weird, but also very good... if you can deal with the weird. Steve Carell hit another home run with his acting. The story was as original as I can imagine original being. Robert Zemeckis did his usual good job directing.

Very subjective. I liked it... but it was pretty weird. Two thumbs up.

We watched "The Highwaymen" last night. It was good, not great. DH fell asleep halfway through, but that's not unusual for him [emoji38] He gets up at 5:30, so he'll have to re-watch it then.
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