What's the last movie you watched?

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Just rewatched There Will Be Blood with one of my favorite if not my all time favorite actor Daniel Day Lewis who won a best actor Oscar for the movie, i forgot how intense the movie was, not for everyone I suspect.
We watched Eileen. It's a psychological thriller that follows two women who work in a prison for male juvies. I liked it.
I didn't like it. Overall, the movie is kind of gloomy, there's no real suspense - which is typical of good thrillers. The ending of the movie is meh.
I cut part of Frisco Kid while I was visiting my mother. Now I would like to watch the whole thing, but don't wan to pay. Any suggestion how to? I do not have roku.
I cut part of Frisco Kid while I was visiting my mother. Now I would like to watch the whole thing, but don't wan to pay. Any suggestion how to? I do not have roku.
Harrison Ford and Gene Wilder. I saw that a long time ago but I liked. Or did you see the original with Cagney?
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We watched Madame Web last night. This has to be the worst Marvel thing ever, past, present and future. It was horrible. I mean, I expected bad. I was told it would be bad. No one prepared me for this. It wasn't even car crash watching worthy.
Miller's Girl. Don't know what think of it. Very well made. Jenna Ortega is an excellent actress. But in my opinion "Me too" movement should be up in arms fighting movies like this because it is completely opposite of what, they say, they believe.
Thank You for Smoking" sounds like a great choice, dark comedies are always interesting.

The characters - it sounds like the cast did a great job bringing the script to life. A strong ensemble can really elevate a movie. Also satire can be a great way to tackle complex issues, and it sounds like "Thank You for Smoking" does this in an entertaining way.
(free on Tubi) Dragonfly with Kevin Costner, his and his wife are both doctors to make the world a better place. She dies. ...
I sobbed at the end.
It was worth watching.

I've seen that film a couple of times, very sad and tear-jerking but a well-made movie,definitely.
Other day I watched Bev Hills Cop: Axel F
not bad, typical, of course I enjoyed!

Last night rewatched Rush Hour - still just as funny

Then a new one (for me) thought it was older but was only 2022 - "Marry Me" with Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. I thought it was an older movie because Owen W looked so very young. At any rate - I enjoyed it, light hearted entertainment. and of course, a lot of singing on her part - but that's OK, 'cause I think she's great.

edit to add: I did think her dress was not exactly appropriate as a Chaperone for a High School dance, Prom or not.
I just watched the most delightful movie. from 2009 with Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Alex Etel. End of WWII and 100 years previous.
I normally dislike movies jumping from one era to another, back and forth - this was done so cleverly it was wonderful.
Highly, highly recommend! Netflix (i think)
I just watched the most delightful movie. from 2009 with Maggie Smith, Timothy Spall, Alex Etel. End of WWII and 100 years previous.
I normally dislike movies jumping from one era to another, back and forth - this was done so cleverly it was wonderful.
Highly, highly recommend! Netflix (i think)

And the name of the movie was???


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