What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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It did finally rain today, though still not like it did some of the other months I got some heavy rain. It got very dark around 6 pm, but didn't start raining until after about 9:30, and the thunder started about 10:30, and I've gotten about .35" in 25 minutes, so far.

Now last I looked, at 11:25 pm, it's up to .77". Fortunately for me, it's much further south, in the next county, it's much heavier, and even further, in Delaware and Maryland, showing 4-6", and tornado warnings. Hopefully, everyone stays safe in all these areas.
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It is all about what you are used to. I love visiting Los Angeles on a January day when it is 55F outside. People are dressed like the Michelin Man. :ROFLMAO:

One year I was in Florida in January. To me the 60/70 f was beautiful, I was wearing shorts as I trekked around the exercise track but all on the horses were wearing all sorts of heavy sweats even into the day and marveled (and shook their heads as they trotted past) that I wasn't shivering like them. LOL
The yearly average rainfall for Dallas/Forth Worth is about 37 inches. We are only halfway done with 2024 and we are less than 10 inches away from reaching the yearly average rainfall.


That means the second six months will be a drought. Here in Texas, every drought ends with a flood, and every flood ends with a drought.

Had quite the downpour here early evening. It has to be doing something interesting for me to hear the weather through the windows, especially with the AC on. The downpour part of the rain lasted longer than usual.
I had another one of those near perfect days today, 77° and low humidity, and have another forecast for tomorrow, but the heat is headed, with the humidity. Can't have everything! The dry weather is always best the 3 weeks or so before the garlic is harvested, so hopefully, the rain will hold off a while.
It was cloudy most of the day, so high 80s. Rain tomorrow, and only 85F. Then back into the low to mid 90s for the rest of the week, and into next week.

We are having a heat wave here in Southern Québec. I'm sure the people on the East Coast of the US, especially a bit north are having the same heat wave. Well, this is what we have. Note the humidex values. That's what it feels like due to humidity.

First in metric:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 a[...].png

And second in Imperial:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 weather.png
2 almost 90's days, 90 deg F. We're watering the gardens but we aren't working out there.
Too hot for me. Too hot for him. Things will get better.
Tomorrow it will b 85 deg F, but 75 deg F on Thursday, YAY.
Pretty much the same here. 90's yesterday and today. Wicked storm dropped out of no-where early morning (around 4am) no one was expecting it. Didn't cool anything. Just more humidity. More storms tonight.
Weds - high 80's, Thurs - low 80's, Fri and the weekend bouncing up and down in the 70's.
We've had misty showers, I can't really call it rain, just a mist, off and on all day today.

misty morning.jpg

We had decided last night that we'd use today as a "run around day" and run a few errands - we're going out to dinner this evening and didn't want to be pooped out from sitting in the sun at the beach all day. Good call.
That heat dome effecting the Midwest and Northeast is North of US. The weather has been very nice the last few days/nights. I was out on the patio until midnight last night. It was 75F/24C and somewhat windy. It felt great.

Today it only got up to 87F/30C. But, things are about to change. We are going to pretty get close to our first 100F/38C day next Wednesday.


BTW, the first Atlantic Tropical Storm of 2024 Hurricane season is expected to hit Mexico on Thursday. It will bring heavy rains to Northern Mexico and Southern Texas, which has been in a drought, so it is not necessarily a bad thing. It should be a pretty weak TS. It will be called Tropical Storm Alberto.

Trouble with a heavy storm after a drought is that the soil can't absorb the water it needs before it all runs off.

It depends on how long it rains. This rain could last several days. Plus, the rains will help fill the reservoirs in South Texas, which are currently only 10% to 25% full.

It’s seriously hot and humid in Boston. In the 90’s with heat indexes into the 100’s.

It’s only been this way for maybe the last 10 years.

We don’t have AC (just a bedroom window unit in Boston)… possibly this may need rethinking
It depends on how long it rains. This rain could last several days. Plus, the rains will help fill the reservoirs in South Texas, which are currently only 10% to 25% full.

ahhh, good point casey. Not having nor needing reservoirs here I didn't think of that.
It’s seriously hot and humid in Boston. In the 90’s with heat indexes into the 100’s.

It’s only been this way for maybe the last 10 years.

We don’t have AC (just a bedroom window unit in Boston)… possibly this may need rethinking
I think that would be a good rethink, jennyema! LOL

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