Whole fryer chicken, need fresh ideas

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Are you asking what pullet means? It's a chicken less than one year old. Back in the day, people used to keep chickens for years for eggs. When they got too old to lay anymore, they were eaten. So there was a distinction among different ages of chickens. These days, most supermarket chickens are three to four months old, so technically they're all pullets.

No. You already explained what a pullet was to me a year or so ago. I think it was you? Not sure.
I was just suggesting deep frying the whole bird as one would do with a turkey.
lodge cast iron dutch oven

OK I know this has been done to death. but I'm wondering if you friendly cooks have a new take on doing a whole chicken.

I tend to go with the engagement chicken recipe. If you haven't seen it it is basically salt, pepper garlic olive oil and lots of lemons.

I just want to try something new, and fryer chickens were on sale at grocery, I have two in the freezer.

We have a pressure cooker, a roasting pan, and a (new!) lodge cast iron dutch oven.

I'd actually really like to use the dutch oven. It is a new addition to our kitchen, birthday gift.

I think there are a number of ways to go with a whole chicken other than my usual, 'salt and pepper the heck out of it, stuff it with lemons and throw it in the oven' plan. Don't want to say too much about my plans to avoid prejudicing your responses. (paprika is likely involved)

Anyone have some serious out of the box ideas for dealing with a whole chicken?

Hello ! I didn't understand what is a lodge cast iron dutch oven ??
Hello ! I didn't understand what is a lodge cast iron dutch oven ??

I'm glad you asked, after the fall of eden, when Adam and Eve where on there own, God gave them two things. Our friends yeast to make bread and sometimes beer!, and our fickle friend hard iron. Iron can be made into tools for fighting, tools for plowing, but an iron dutch oven is the best I have found yet.

All the prose aside, a lodge cast iron dutch oven is a pot, about four quarts, made of cast iron, with a lid, traditionally used for casseroles, and in camp for camp meals. There are many brands of this, but Lodge is thought the one we judge other brands by.
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