Our server/slowness issues should be resolved...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 21, 2002
North Carolina
...in about 48 hours. There have been some issues as we all have noticed and they are working on them now. Thanks everyone for your patience.
Well, that's relieving. I was ready to....

LOL @ Jeekinz :))

actually I was getting Flashbacks of 1992 when I 1`st got onto the internet with a 14.4 modem :)
Yea I kind of noticed that about two nights ago when I came on here and only me and one other person were on here :LOL: Glad to hear the problem will be resolved soon.
Yes, I have been curious, I had to re-do password and all that junk, plus my favorite places did not take me to the usual spot, thought it was my system. Good to know.
Uncle Bob said:
I would be happy if I could just get the "Forum Listings" page to load at all.

I have been walking away and doing something else while waiting. Much less stressful, trust me on this. :LOL: And in my case, since the new post link no longer works for me, it can be even more stressful waiting for a page to load and then realizing it's a page you already read all the posts on and need the next page. Oh well.
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