Creamed tuna on toast?

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
When I was in college, my best friend used to Cream, everything..

It was pretty good and I miss it...

Tuna, Peas, Cauliflower, even beef..

Is this just a strait up cream sauce like I make for Sausage Gravy over Biscuits?

but with no sausage and add a can of tuna packed in oil?

Thanks, Eric, Austin, Tx.
A basic white sauce of butter, flour and milk/cream can have a multitude of additives to make different kinds of dishes. Because the sauce already has a fat (butter) in it I would think the preferred tuna would be packed in water but if you only have the oil packed at the moment, you can use that but expect to add more flour to thicken the sauce to your liking.
Jabbur is right on.
Drain the tuna.
Just wanted to say that I like to saute some onion and celery in the butter, before adding the flour to make the white sauce. Add some defrosted peas at the end.
Now you've made me hungry for this great old comfort food! Yumm!
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Creamed tuna with just a white sauce would be delicious, but I would wait until after adding the tuna before salting the sauce or it could end up too salty.
Well since you've gotten some pretty good answers already I will just give you my recipes for a creamy and tangy tuna topping.

1 tin of tuna drained.
1/2 tin of creamstyle sweetcorn
1/2 cup of mayonnaise
1 finely chopped shallot or spring onion (I think you call them scallions) with green tops.
1/2 cup of grated gouda
a few drops of tabasco
salt and pepper to taste

Blend all the ingredients well and serve as a filling for toasted sandwiches or spread some on toast.
I prefer making toasted sandwiches since the cheese melts.
I add grated mozzarella sometimes too.
It can also be used as a pasta salad sauce or to fill small pastries for snacking on.
Corn or Peas! That sounds Good...

I think my Old Friend usually put Peas in the Culiflower!

Does a bit of Nutmeg go in there?

Gouda Cheese, Wow!

Eric, Austin Tx.
Corn or Peas! That sounds Good...

I think my Old Friend usually put Peas in the Culiflower!

Does a bit of Nutmeg go in there?

Gouda Cheese, Wow!

Eric, Austin Tx.

Not sure if the nutmeg question was meant as a response to my post but if so no. Don't put nutmeg in it won't work with the other flavours.
You can put peas in if you want but the creamstyle sweetcorn is important since it adds a creamy texture and flavour and just the right hint of sweetness from the corn.
A dash of paprika is also nice and if you want to add other cheeses go for cheddar or mozzarella or a bit of both. :)
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Oh, for heaven's sake. A college guy/gal? The "creamed" probably meant a can of cream of something soup with the can of tuna added, and if heading for nutrition, some frozen or canned vegetables!
In maine, white sauce with tuna and peas is called "tuna wiggle" it is usually served over saltine crackers. Just about everyone I grew up with was raised on the stuff, our school cafeteria even served it. I've never liked tuna, so I've never had it.
All of these remind me of stuff my and my friends mom's and relatives would make on Fridays, especially during lent. Gave me an almost enduring dislike of tuna. Luckily, someone came up with white albacore in water, and my husband whisked me away for an assignment in Hawaii. Tuna is no longer safe from me, but for decades the tuna population was safe from me.
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