Thursday's meal is full of ...? Jan 23rd

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I'm reheating the turkey chili from last night. It turned out really yummy. I have a buttermilk batter bread in the oven to go along.
The fruits (well, technically, vegetables) of my labors. Clockwise from the bottom right: Copycat Panera Cream of Chicken Wild Rice, Beef Barley and Mushroom, Ham and 15 Bean, and the quart-plus of Italian Sausage leftover from last night.


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The fruits (well, technically, vegetables) of my labors. Clockwise from the bottom right: Copycat Panera Cream of Chicken Wild Rice, Beef Barley and Mushroom, Ham and 15 Bean, and the quart-plus of Italian Sausage leftover from last night.

Wow, CG, they look great! :yum:
DH had a big salad with roast beef and cheese. I got home late as I had a 5:30 massage appointment in the next town. My massage therapist was telling me she was going to have grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, it made me remember a post I saw on Facebook about a "special" grilled cheese sandwich, so that's what I had. A scrumptious grilled cheese, bacon, guacamole sandwich on sour dough bread, with a mug of roasted red pepper tomato soup. That sandwich was so rich.....I am stuffed,
Stirling made the taco meat. He grated the cheese. I put out all the taco toppings. Stirling spritzed the taco shells and heated them in the oven. The danged things were stale. They had a nasty, bitter flavour. We opened the other box of taco shells. They were stale too. Yuck.

So we had low carb tacos - no shells. It was quite tasty, but disappointing.

I made a second batch of Margueritas. :ohmy::LOL:
We've had that happen with the shells too. I add more lettuce and we call it taco salad! :LOL:
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The fruits (well, technically, vegetables) of my labors. Clockwise from the bottom right: Copycat Panera Cream of Chicken Wild Rice, Beef Barley and Mushroom, Ham and 15 Bean, and the quart-plus of Italian Sausage leftover from last night.

Now those are some soups I could really dig into. Looks fabulous!
Just French toast and an apple for me this evening. I was planning to roast a small tri tip this evening, but decided to do it tomorrow instead. :)

Everyone's dinners sounds lovely. :yum:
Sea bass fillets with a spicy Thai coconut dressing, brown basmati rice, green beans with sesame and ginger! Was delicious and only took about 15/20 mins to prepare and cook! Great for a late working evening. :)
Chicken and dumplings for the wife and daughter. For my low carb it was a trader Joe's filet of sole and I made some creamed spinach to go with it. Man those dumplings look goooood.
The fruits (well, technically, vegetables) of my labors. Clockwise from the bottom right: Copycat Panera Cream of Chicken Wild Rice, Beef Barley and Mushroom, Ham and 15 Bean, and the quart-plus of Italian Sausage leftover from last night.

I just love soup! Those look great, CG!!!
Thanks Cheryl and PF. When the weather gets cold I like to have soup. Whether I make one pot or three, it seems like I'm in the kitchen all day anyway! :LOL: At least I have a refrigerator full of soup containers, so no real cooking for a few days.
It was all-you-could-eat mussels at a local pub. A friend and I ate our fill of mussels steamed in a local ale with jalapeno peppers. Yummmmmy,

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