2021 Thanksgiving Plans (U.S.A. - 11/25/2021)

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Tentative Menu Plans, (as of now) still may change (things sometimes get vetoed) after I go shopping the last time before holiday. Depending on how the vegetables look.

(Lots of VARIETY. SMALL batches of each side dish/appy and a small turkey breast)


Cream Cheese, Green Olive and Walnuts Poppers
Marinated Mushrooms
Stuffed Mushrooms


Roasted Turkey
Green Bean Casserole
Glazed Carrots
Creamed Pearl Onions
Sweet Potato & Acorn Squash Casserole
Mashed Turnip Root and Yukon potatoes
Steamed Brussels Sprouts
Sautéed mushrooms
Turkey Gravy (Homemade)
Cranberry/Orange Relish (Homemade)
Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce (Homemade)
Long Grain & Wild Rice
Sour Cream & Chive Potato Rolls


Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Whipped Cream


Sparkling Cranberry Apple Cider
Trader Joe's Honey Crisp Cider
DH and I had made reservations for this great resort outside of the Las Vegas Strip for the three of us, but as we've been able to observe my Mother on a daily basis for about 2 months now, we think that we've jumped the gun.

Mom can not stand for very long, nor can she walk too far.
She actually admitted this to DH during one of their morning chats.
So we've cancelled that 3 day vacation, with no cooking involved :turned: and will stick close ta home.

I'll make my usual:


(all of these are file photos from last year)


I buy those Jennie-O Turkey Breast Loins, season it up roast that off
Dressing Casserole, made with Linguicia (an homage to my parternal Grandmother) and dried Cranberries
Mashed Potatoes with gravy (I'm terrible at gravy, so I buy TJ's)
My take on Brussel Sprouts
and Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, per DH's request



Dessert will be a six inch Pumpkin Pie for Moi mostly, no one else cares for it and a small-ish Apple Crostata; there will be Whipped Cream involved as well!

In the past, when we were younger and were feeding four + people, I made the whole bird (free from my employer), creamed Corn, fresh steamed Green Beans, Coleslaw, Cranberry Salad Mold,

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and a third Pie, but that is not to be any longer... too much food for us now.

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As to appies, I might make up a small Snack Plate for each diner if they get a bit peckish, but not much.

That's my plan, and I'm stickin' with it! :chef:
DH and I had made reservations for this great resort outside of the Las Vegas Strip for the three of us, but as we've been able to observe my Mother on a daily basis for about 2 months now, we think that we've jumped the gun.

Mom can not stand for very long, nor can she walk too far.
She actually admitted this to DH during one of their morning chats.
So we've cancelled that 3 day vacation, with no cooking involved :turned: and will stick close ta home.

I'll make my usual:

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(all of these are file photos from last year)

View attachment 49673

I buy those Jennie-O Turkey Breast Loins, season it up roast that off
Dressing Casserole, made with Linguicia (an homage to my parternal Grandmother) and dried Cranberries
Mashed Potatoes with gravy (I'm terrible at gravy, so I buy TJ's)
My take on Brussel Sprouts
and Pillsbury Crescent Rolls, per DH's request

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View attachment 49675

Dessert will be a six inch Pumpkin Pie for Moi mostly, no one else cares for it and a small-ish Apple Crostata; there will be Whipped Cream involved as well!

In the past, when we were younger and were feeding four + people, I made the whole bird (free from my employer), creamed Corn, fresh steamed Green Beans, Coleslaw, Cranberry Salad Mold,

View attachment 49678

and a third Pie, but that is not to be any longer... too much food for us now.

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View attachment 49677

As to appies, I might make up a small Snack Plate for each diner if they get a bit peckish, but not much.

That's my plan, and I'm stickin' with it! :chef:
Something to consider for your next vacation: I can't walk far or stand for long, either. Several years ago, when we went to Michigan in the summer, we got tickets to a Detroit Tigers baseball game. We were able to rent an electric scooter. I scooted around town while DH walked. When we got to the stadium, we were seated in a special area set up for people with physical issues. It had an incredible view of the field. Look into a rental like that next time you plan a trip. We also acquired a trailer for my own scooter to attach to the back of my SUV.
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Im going to be a guest at my brothers. Not sure what they got planned and not sure what they're going to ask me to bring yet.
Although, I am excite to make cranberry sauce with my homegrown cranberries. This is the first year I have enough to do that. I may be selfish and make it for my wife and I so I know none will go to waste.
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Pretty sure we will be doing the Perkin's thing this year. Dad's preference and Mom doesn't want to cook. Since I'll be working both sides of the holiday, I prefer simple, too!
Something to consider for your next vacation: I can't walk far or stand for long, either. Several years ago, when we went to Michigan in the summer, we got tickets to a Detroit Tigers baseball game. We were able to rent an electric scooter. I scooted around town while DH walked. When we got to the stadium, we were seated in a special area set up for people with physical issues. It had an incredible view of the field. Look into a rental like that next time you plan a trip. We also acquired a trailer for my own scooter to attach to the back of my SUV.
Good suggestion.

When I first started having trouble with arthritis in my hip, I couldn't stand very long and I couldn't walk far, even with a cane. We wanted to go to a SciFi convention in Ottawa, so I contacted them to find out if they had any wheelchairs available or knew where I could rent one. They were incredibly accommodating. They found a place that would rent me a wheelchair for the stay and they picked it up and returned it for me. It made all the difference. I even went to buffets in the wheelchair and stood up to get stuff and got my sweetie to get some of the stuff for me.
Our Thanksgiving for four adults, and 6 kid was always:

Smoked turkey on the Webber (18 to 22 lb.0) I made this
Roasted goose (I made this)
Roasted turkey My sister made this
Sage bread dressing with giblets, and roasted chestnuts My version
Dressing that my sister made
Mashed potatoes
turkey gravy, part thickened wit corn starch, part thickened with roux
Sweet potato casserole with vanilla, and orange juice
Homemade potato bread dinner rolls
Mom's Seabreeze salad
Homemade cranberry sauce
mashed rutabaga with butter, and a touch of brow sugar
Relish tray with ants on a stick (celery with peanut butter and raisins
Shredded carrot salad
black olives
stuffed green olives
sweet and dill pickles
Pumpkin pie
apple pie
sometimes cheesecake (my recipe)
Homemade egg nog

I started cooking at 3 a.m., and finished by 4 p.m. this was every year. Of course there was a moocher who would invite himself (my sister's adopted child's father) who never brought anything, but always expected to take home leftovers. But hey, it was a time for sharing. I'm now at My son's home. I haven't the stamina, nor resources to make that anymore. i don't know the food traditions here. I'm sure it will be great. I'll skip the green bean casserole. Not a big fan.

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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I don't care what we eat. Heck, I don't care IF we eat. We'll be spending Thanksgiving week with Himself's sis and BIL in the Charlotte, NC area. :w00t2: Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Family!

You think I'm excited now? Just wait until Christmas...O-H-I-O, here we come!
Pretty sure we will be doing the Perkin's thing this year. Dad's preference and Mom doesn't want to cook. Since I'll be working both sides of the holiday, I prefer simple, too!

Do you mean the restaurant?.

Our Perkins was pushed out by a greedy landlord and the building has sat vacant for 2 years. We miss that place.

We will be having dinner with D&SIL, 2 grandsons and 2 great grandsons.

We haven't completed the menu yet but, we will all contribute something.

Having already celebrated the Canadian Thanksgiving, not sure what I'll be doing as I will probably be fending for myself that weekend - Look out Kitchen, she's on the prowl!

My DIL and baby daughter, are heading to NJ to celebrate with her family, my son will fly down and join them later. Then they'll drive back together after.

But for those of you who are doing a bird this year, here's a little hint for prepping...


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Do you mean the restaurant?.

Our Perkins was pushed out by a greedy landlord and the building has sat vacant for 2 years. We miss that place.


Yes, the nearest Perkins is 40 miles away in Nebraska. Only places to eat around home on Thanksgiving are the fast food joints.
We're going out for lunch with my 2 cousins and their SO's, but not sure where yet - will find out next week. Don't know if my Aunt that sometimes comes with us will be coming - she's been sick a lot this past year and may be staying at another niece's house that's out of town.
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I am not yet sure what we´ll be eating for Thanksgiving, but I do know two things.
Firstly, I´ll be doing most of the cooking:cool:
Secondly, it will be my second Thanksgiving in the US. The first one was way back in 1973.
So I´m really, really looking forward to it!
Yes, the nearest Perkins is 40 miles away in Nebraska. Only places to eat around home on Thanksgiving are the fast food joints.

I understand. When we first moved to MO, we were 45 minutes away from all the good stores, etc. As we aged, city living grew to be more convenient for us.

I am not yet sure what we´ll be eating for Thanksgiving, but I do know two things.
Firstly, I´ll be doing most of the cooking:cool:
Secondly, it will be my second Thanksgiving in the US. The first one was way back in 1973.
So I´m really, really looking forward to it!

I believe that you have mentioned Ohio a few times. Will you be moving permanently or is this just a trip?

Pretty sure we will be doing the Perkin's thing this year. Dad's preference and Mom doesn't want to cook. Since I'll be working both sides of the holiday, I prefer simple, too!

We loved Perkin's, and oh, their pies!
When we were traveling through Montana, we went coupla times.
Just wish we had something like that here in Cowboyville,
`cuz I'm leaning towards your Mom's camp there PF.
I'm not really feelin' the love to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but ...
Probably, a fruit salad, a casserole with mushroom gravy, and later a crustless pumpkin pie with strawberry nice-cream.

We loved Perkin's, and oh, their pies!
When we were traveling through Montana, we went coupla times.
Just wish we had something like that here in Cowboyville,
`cuz I'm leaning towards your Mom's camp there PF.
I'm not really feelin' the love to cook Thanksgiving dinner, but ...

It's just the three of us and we cannot do justice to a full blown meal. This way we get to spend the time together without anything getting in our way.
I'm spending the day with a family I know, and as usual, I'll be making dessert(s),a job I was always given. Other than that, I really don't know what I'm going to be doing.
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