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My poor baby Beagle. Just took her into the vet for her shots and yearly exam, and she has a broken canine tooth that they'll have to extract the rest of, along with a tumor on her chest that they'll cut out and take a look at. I found what was apparently the tooth on my chair this morning, just figured it was a broken toenail. And here she was just looking forward to a ride in the car!

Best wishes for Beagle and family!
Have about finished a work shop and storage area for DH. Poor fellow, he was not in the picture when I designed the house and he really needs his own space. The addition might be hard to detect. It starts where the front portal/porch ends, and extends out into the driveway.


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Have about finished a work shop and storage area for DH. Poor fellow, he was not in the picture when I designed the house and he really needs his own space. The addition might be hard to detect. It starts where the front portal/porch ends, and extends out into the driveway.

I love your xeriscaped yard.
What am I doing? Well, I am just getting over a case of the Shingles. They are on the right back side of my head, neck and under my chin ( my poor ear was so painful). Thank goodness the worst is over. The sores are healing and the pain is much better. I hope I never get this again.
What am I doing? Well, I am just getting over a case of the Shingles. They are on the right back side of my head, neck and under my chin ( my poor ear was so painful). Thank goodness the worst is over. The sores are healing and the pain is much better. I hope I never get this again.

So sorry to hear this, JoAnn. Shingles are the worst pain ever. I had them on my stomach years ago, a friend had them on her face last year. It was awful.
True. I think it's about 50% effective, and not recommended before age 60. I could be wrong, but that's what the pharmacist told me.
I think the age thing has to do with how long it lasts. If I remember correctly, it can even help while you have shingles. But, I might be remembering that wrong.
I think the age thing has to do with how long it lasts. If I remember correctly, it can even help while you have shingles. But, I might be remembering that wrong.

As I recall, if you are under age 65, you pay full-price, around $250-$300. Over 65, the old folks insurance kicks in.
I'm sorry to hear about your shingles, JoAnn. Remembering what both my Mom and son went through, I hope it skips a generation. Hope you're fully recovered soon.

For what it's worth, our insurance company won't pay for the inoculation until you're at least 65. This reminds me I'm finally old enough!
It is worth checking with the insurance company.

My insurance covered it at age 60, my Doctor wrote the prescription and the pharmacist at the local Rite Aid gave me the jab.

I remember I had to wait approx. a month between the shingles shot and my annual flu shot.
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It is worth checking with the insurance company.

My insurance covered it at age 60, my Doctor wrote the prescription and the pharmacist at the local Rite Aid gave me the jab.

The doctor gave me two pills for my Shingles. One cost $207.08, with our insurance it cost me $9.80, that was pills for 7 days. The other one was a pain pill and that cost $18.77, it cost me $5.60, that also was for 7 days. I still had lots of pain so she told me to take something like Motrin.
In the paper that she gave me it ask, How Can I Help Prevent Shingles?
If you have never had chickenpox, you can get a shot to help prevent infection with the chickenpox virus.
If you have had chickenpox, a vaccine, called Zostavax, is available for people 60 years of age and older. The vaccine can help prevent or lessen the symptoms of shingles. It cannot be used to treat shingles once you have it.
You can protect your immune system and lessen your chances of getting shingles by trying to keep stress under control, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.
True. I think it's about 50% effective, and not recommended before age 60. I could be wrong, but that's what the pharmacist told me.

Same here Dawg. But I also heard that in the event you should develop them, they won't be as severe as they are without the vaccine. I still can't convince my two boys to get their shot.

Me, I have never had chicken pox but have had the vaccine shot to prevent me from ever getting them. So I don't need shingles vaccine. :angel:
DH is 65, and keeps meaning to get the vaccine. He is also quite forgetful.

Good point about waiting a month between flu shot and shingles shot, Aunt Bea. I recall the pharmacist telling me that too.
So sorry, JoAnn...I know those hurt.

I was given the Shingles vaccine two years ago (53), because of my lowered immune system my insurance paid for all of it.
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