What is your weather like right now?

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Got up late this morning, it was up to 40f (5c) think it was about 38/39f during the night -- good sleeping! Heavy fog in the fields where the sun ain't reached.

Supposed to eventually get up to 64f (18c) by around 3pm.

I heard geese passing overhead yesterday... it is officially fall...
A sunny 83° F here along the river. Unseasonably warm says the weatherman. Our pool has been closed since Labor Day.
My weather app says it is going down to 46 tonight, but my window says it is already at 44 so I guess it will be a bit more cooler still tonight. LOL

oops - maybe I should have brought some of my plants in. Well, too bad so sad not going to do it now!

Katie, when we lived in Minnesota people would give us funny looks when we said we were now living further north than where we came from in Canada...
which was Hamilton, Ontario. too funny!
Unless it takes a severe turn, we're going to be having a visit from Matthew this weekend, so we're getting ready. I bought bottled water, Gatorade and pet food and will be going out soon (to another store) for people food and a few other necessities. DH filled our vehicles with gas and got fuel for the generator and the gas grill. We have a gas stove and water heater, so that helps :)

We're right in the center of the "cone of uncertainty" early Sunday morning, so it's likely we'll have some effects, even if it goes drastically east or west.


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The 11:00 PM weather report looked a bit more promising for you, GG, but not so much for medtran and Craig. Hoping and praying for the best and safest for all of you along the coast, including Himself's cousins in Williamsburg.
I hope Craig and medtran are well away from Miami. Just watched a news conference with the governor of Florida and most of the eastern half of the state is being evacuated. Hurricane Matthew is now a Category 4 storm.


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Gack! Stay safe, Med and Craig!

Feels like we have Hurricane Something coming through here. I've never heard thunder that loud. It's pouring. Have a feeling Beagle will not be interested in doing her evening ablutions. She despises water, except for drinking.
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Our weather is fine. Better than fine for October. But I'm wide awake (WHAT a baseball game!) and busy tracking Matthew. Our niece lives in Orlando, and she's been busy updating Facebook with her current situation. So far, so good. I'll be glad for everyone concerned when this danged storm moves off the coast and disappears into the sea.
Chilly day today, 17'C. Overcast and no rain.
KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
The DJ on the radio was talking about how nice and warm it was with 17°C at 22:00. It was down to 13°C by midnight when I got home. I thought it was lovely. That's here on the Island of Montreal, QC, Canada.
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