What is your weather like right now?

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So this is what happened in Montreal yesterday: Powerful winds rip apart trees, smashing cars and blocking roads in Montreal - Montreal - CBC News :ohmy:

This is not a tornado area. But, the city did get a micro burst, which apparently can be just as damaging as a tornado. Even though I'm a good 20 miles from the centre of the city, there was damage out here in the burbs too. Lots of people without power. Thank goodness, nothing at my house. I'll have a walk around the condo association tomorrow and see if any of our trees got hit.
So this is what happened in Montreal yesterday: Powerful winds rip apart trees, smashing cars and blocking roads in Montreal - Montreal - CBC News :ohmy:

This is not a tornado area. But, the city did get a micro burst, which apparently can be just as damaging as a tornado. Even though I'm a good 20 miles from the centre of the city, there was damage out here in the burbs too. Lots of people without power. Thank goodness, nothing at my house. I'll have a walk around the condo association tomorrow and see if any of our trees got hit.

Well, if you can call it good news, at least you are fine. I didn't take time to read the whole article, just looked at the pictures. Those trees trunks were huge! And the trees looked healthy.
Wow! Sorry to hear about your storm. Hopefully no one got hurt.

We had a small cloud burst of rain, unexpectedly, about 6 pm. Dh just got the lawn mowed. It's humid & 75* in SE South Dakota.
So this is what happened in Montreal yesterday: Powerful winds rip apart trees, smashing cars and blocking roads in Montreal - Montreal - CBC News :ohmy:

This is not a tornado area. But, the city did get a micro burst, which apparently can be just as damaging as a tornado. Even though I'm a good 20 miles from the centre of the city, there was damage out here in the burbs too. Lots of people without power. Thank goodness, nothing at my house. I'll have a walk around the condo association tomorrow and see if any of our trees got hit.

Microbursts, AKA windshear, can get pretty powerful. They can do as much damage as an F1 tornado, but the winds are straight-line, not a vortex. We get both here. Those kinds of storms often create large hail, too.

Here, we had a front come through last night. All the storms were north of me, but we got some rain. The highs this week are forecast in the upper eighties, which is low for August here.

Mosquitoes are still the big problem here, right now.

Taxy, glad to hear you came through the storm ok.

We picked the right day to visit a couple of Bourbon distilleries. Yesterday wss humid with temperatures in the mid-90s. Today was around 90 but dry and with a breeze. Hoping for clear skies and a good tailwind as we head to our daughter's place for tomorrow night.
Talking to a friend tonight who has a daughter living in a part of Montreal hard hit. As of late this afternoon she still had no power. Huge trees down and traffic impossible/imovable in that section of the city.
With all the damage that happened in Montreal, it's really amazing that it seems like no one was injured. There are parts of the power grid that are being rebuilt, because repair just won't cut it. Hundred plus year old trees down too.
Those big winds take a big toll on big trees. Living in Texas for as long as I have, I spend the money to get my big trees pruned at least every other year by a certified arborist. It helps them survive high winds and ice storms with minimal, mostly cosmetic damage. Some others around here do the same, but not everyone. You can tell who does and doesn't after a good storm.

My ex-wife and her family bought me a live oak tree to plant when my Grandpa died, in his memory. Here is a photo of it pruned to let wind blow through, but still provide shade.




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We've had temp's in the 90's for almost the past week, but today is only supposed to be 81! Also had some thunderstorms last night.

Found out that my nephew and his family are under a Tropical Storm Warning (probably will turn into a Hurricane warning sometime today) and a Storm Surge warning. Keep them and everyone else in the path of Harvey in your thoughts and prayers, please.
My family all live in Houston. My sister is stressing out, as usual, because of all the rain they expect to get from Harvey. She is just sure her house is going to flood this time. She is also an RN in a hospital, so she has to go to work.

Harvey is expected to take a weird path after making landfall, running up the Gulf coast all the way to Louisiana, dropping up to three feet of water over the next five days.

Caseydog, I lived in Aransas Pass and have seen what all you do to prepare for a storm. Once all that is done, then the town heads inland away from the storm.

Stay safe and keep us informed of your safety.
Caseydog, I lived in Aransas Pass and have seen what all you do to prepare for a storm. Once all that is done, then the town heads inland away from the storm.

Stay safe and keep us informed of your safety.

Aransas Pass is right about where the landfall is expected to be.

My boy's football practice tonight started in sunny, 72° weather, then finished just as it was too dark to see the ball at 58°.

Gotta love summertime in the mountains.
Aransas Pass is right about where the landfall is expected to be.


When I lived there, the population of the "City" of Aransas Pass was about 15,000. A hurricane has occurred the previous year of my arrival and everyone was living in government trailers.
Listening to the news, I really hope anyone in the hurricane watch or warning area is evacuating, or has already. This will likely be a Category 3 storm. They're expecting a 12-foot storm surge and up to three feet of of rain over several days, because after it comes ashore, it will stall over the area. So there will be serious flooding from the storm surge + the rain. The acting FEMA administrator is saying to expect several days without power and other infrastructure, like water, passable roads, help from first responders, etc.

I can't believe Corpus Christi has not issued a mandatory evacuation order and people in RVs have opted to stay in parks and parking lots in the area.

Best wishes to everyone in its path.
I realize that leaving everything behind is a scary thought but, I'm afraid that the possible consequences could be more scary, even devastating..

Be safe first..

I realize that leaving everything behind is a scary thought but, I'm afraid that the possible consequences could be more scary, even devastating..

Be safe first..


The mayor of Rockport asked those who plan to stay to write their names and SS numbers on a forearm with permanent marker, so first responders can identify their bodies.

If this storm hits like Ike did, and it looks like it will, several bodies will never be found.

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