What are you eating Sunday September 26, 2021?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Rib eye steak (under broiler), microwaved potato with butter, sour cream and chives. Salad not pictured.

...fried green potatoes...
WE know you meant green tomatoes Katie; I guess autocorrect doesn't "do" southern cookin'. ;)

Himself was off doing his stargazey thing tonight. I wanted something that only got better as it stayed warm. Cuban style picadilla over rice hit the spot... for me. He hasn't made it home yet. Any excuse to use capers - love those little buds.

It's lookin' like a Meat & Taters kinda night!


Grilled NY Strip, grilled Mushrooms, Twice Baked Potatoes (thank you Ginny for inspiring me), and individual Chopped Salads, customized to each diner.


I hadn't made this in such a long time, and usually I just wing it, but I had a Brain Fart and "Googled It" :LOL:

The blog post that I found (I looked at several) suggested once the cooked Potato flesh was scooped out, pop the skins back into the hot oven for 10 minutes on a sheet pan and then stuff the puppies with the now loaded innards. They were a bit firmer, but I don't add very much wet ingredients, we prefer a more dense Twice Baked Tater.
Those Russets have been so big, I have 2 halves for the freezer ;)
I baked some store bought, frozen breaded haddock and some oven "fries". I sautéed some vegis with green masala curry paste and reheated the leftover baked potato from yesterday's resto delivery.

Breaded haddock, oven fries, leftover baked ptoato, and vegis with green masala.jpg
I made Chili Colorado for burritos, beans, salsa, guac. During the process, Rhonda came over to the RV. We watched Axis TV and just chatted. The boys were out doing other things, when they returned, we had a feast! The burritos are a recreation of the burritos at a very popular place in L.A., CA where DH, Bruce and I all grew up. There's really nothing quite like it anywhere else. Yum! I sent a burrito home with them for the still recuperating neighbor.
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