What's cooking Tuesday October 20, 2009?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
i have left over pork loin and family wants roast pork and veggie fried rice. i guess thats dinner plan for now.

whats cooking by you?
DH has class tonight so it will be leftovers for us. I have half of the chili left from Sunday and also some of the sirloin roast from last night. I'll decide what I want and he can have what he wants!
same here...made some good chili yesterday. It was cooking on the stove all day and smelled awesome! But too many activities last night to enjoy sooo leftovers it is!
jabbur, can I have some roast? I'll make roast beef melts with it. Mmmmmm!

Dinner here is once again going to be on the run. I have to get my sister to the airport and daughter #2 to her dance class. Timewise it works, but doesn't leave much time to prep dinner. I'm thinking it is going to be mac and cheese night around here. Either that or scrounge the leftovers.
Today being horror film icon Bela Lugosi's birthday, I'll be making my original (& annual traditional) "Chicken Goulash" in his honor. :)
jabbur, can I have some roast? I'll make roast beef melts with it. Mmmmmm!

Dinner here is once again going to be on the run. I have to get my sister to the airport and daughter #2 to her dance class. Timewise it works, but doesn't leave much time to prep dinner. I'm thinking it is going to be mac and cheese night around here. Either that or scrounge the leftovers.

Alix, did you ever see the Canadian show on Food Network with Sandy Rinaldo called "Fixing Dinner"? She would go to people's houses and show them how to cook with tight schedules and other challenges. Tonight for you would definitely be your "fright night" :LOL:
Tonight is the only night this week that DH is home for supper so my only chance to really "cook". I am tossed between meatball stroganoff and something with chicken.

We are finally out of dessert so I guess I will be making an apple crisp (gluten free and diabetic safe).
I wanted shrimp stir fry but the wife wants soup.

So I need to think of a good soup, any ideas?
I wanted shrimp stir fry but the wife wants soup.

So I need to think of a good soup, any ideas?

Something with shrimp in it? Like Shrimp Chowder, bouillabaisse, or Broth with shrimp, green onion, snow peas and fine julienne carrot?
jasmine rice turned into roast pork fried rice - cubed left over roast pork, onion, fresh garlic, fresh ginger, frozen mixed veggies and soy sauce added to the rice.
Sara's "New" cheater tuna casserole, Trader Joe's style:

gemelli pasta or whatever small-ish past you prefer; TJ's artichoke/lemon pesto; TJ's frozen Mahi-Mahi; sliced white mushrooms cooked in butter, white wine (TJ's 2 Buck Chuck Chardonnay) & garlic; peas: sprinkle of parmesean (ok - a nice dumping of it) and juice of 1/2 to 1 whole lemon.

Cooked all separately: pasta (12 min), fish (9 min), 'shrooms (5 min), peas (frozen, run under hot water) and assembled all at The End in a big bowl.

Would have been nice to have chopped up some fresh parsley on it... and don't ask me my cholesterol rating!
dinner party

I had a bdya dinner last night...my Dad made his famous spareribs with Tobasco sauce, Chicken macaroni from Warly, my Mom made Red velvet cake for me,. SOme friends of mine made dumplings and ordered cold cuts from the local deli and some cocktails and champagne..It was a feast and a bday i will always remember.;)

I had a bdya dinner last night...my Dad made his famous spareribs with Tobasco sauce, Chicken macaroni from Warly, my Mom made Red velvet cake for me,. SOme friends of mine made dumplings and ordered cold cuts from the local deli and some cocktails and champagne..It was a feast and a bday i will always remember.;)

Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!
I'm glad you had a great one!
That cake sure looks festive! :)

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