Alternatives to gluten as a binder?

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
Are there other proteins that work like gluten in bread that can be substituted to give it similar elasticity?
There's really nothing that will perfectly replace the gluten, though xantham gum is one thing that is often used in non-gluten breads, along with guar gum and psyllyum husk. Look up "replacing gluten in bread" online, and you'll find a lot more than I can tell you, as I actually add extra gluten to a lot of breads!
There are many formulas out there for gluten free bread. Some good and some not so good. I was not very successful in my attempts for a friend with celiac. But now there are some much better alternatives.

You can even buy gluten free 'flour'. I have not and do not know what it tastes like. Nor do I know how expensive it is. You could at least give it a try and then try some of the other recipes for your own.

One word of advise - don't buy any of the ingredients in bulk before you hit on the one you want to use. You might end up with a cupboard of flours that will just glare at you for ages. (ask my how I know)
Just curious how gluten forms and how an alternative couldn't form instead that serves same biological function.
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