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Do you know I appreciate your thoughts AND well-meant cakes? Do you know DD's DH is making her a birthday cake right now and all I was allowed to do was sit in a chair and coach him? Do you know how great that made me feel?
can you believe it was?

(they decorated it light blue and put decorating sugar and coconut on the sides and edges to make it like ice and sow, the put a little penguin on top and ds did the words, but the frosting for the writing was too runny, more like flood icing, so it wasn't very legible, but i really thought it was cute and thoughtful and that's what mattered most, wouldn't you agree?)
wouldn't you rather have an imperfect home-made cake than a perfect store cake anyday?
Wouldn't depend on how imperfect the cake was?
Did you know I still can't get cakes to rise properly in my fan assisted oven :s ?
have you checked if your oven is allright?
(My friend had the same problem and it turned out her oven didn't reach temperature)
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