Blocked - cloudflare

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Sous Chef
Dec 24, 2010
I can only get to the site via a vpn.
Even the main page.
This started today or yesterday.
No idea why, as I didn't change anything and it is not happening on other sites
Has something changed with the security settings of the site?
Just typing in "discuss cooking" on the search engine already triggers this. Both on laptop and mobile
I didn't change anything.
Same phone
Same laptop
Same internet provider

IIRC you are accessing DC from Africa? That may be the problem, and using a VPN should deal with that. Sometimes security settings can change even if the website doesn't ask for it. If the server hosting the website changes security settings, it applies to every website using that host server.

Of course, I am not a tech guy... I just play one on TV. ;) **


** If you are younger than 50, you may not get that one.
Over 50...
I get it..

And yes, in Africa, but that shouldn't be a reason to be blocked?

And now suddenly I can connect again without a vpn?

Ah well, I'm not a techie either, maybe it solved itself
Sometimes IP address (Short for Internet Protocol address.) get blocked due to bad behaviour on the part of someone else who has used that IP address. Unless you have a fixed IP number with your ISP (Internet Service Provider), the number you get assigned for one session is likely to be different in a new session, because they assign the numbers as people log in. Sometimes an IP number can be temporarily blocked.
Sometimes IP address (Short for Internet Protocol address.) get blocked due to bad behaviour on the part of someone else who has used that IP address. Unless you have a fixed IP number with your ISP (Internet Service Provider), the number you get assigned for one session is likely to be different in a new session, because they assign the numbers as people log in. Sometimes an IP number can be temporarily blocked.
This happened to me on a forum once. A mod went to ban someone via IP address and she took out a bunch of us with the same address.
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