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RE: Post editing: What happened to the delete option or to go to advanced options?
Posts have an "Edit" time limit. After the edit time expires, you cannot edit further. I am not sure how long it is. I have never seen an option to delete it once you post it. Edit yes. Delete no. Most forums are 1 hour.
With the new software, you are in the "Advanced Options" all the time. The controls give you most everything you need without having to "Click" on a new advanced menu.
Moderators can and will delete posts and threads if you ask them.

Oh...Unless its changed, you cannot "Edit" a "Conversation" at all. No time limit applies. Once you post it, it is posted for good.
This was a question I asked when the forum was upgraded.
As noted posts have an edit window BUT it can be extended on a single post if you contact a moderator with a link to the post. Also... we might need a sample of your recipe ;)
I have wished for a delete button a few times. These were within a minute of posting. Once, a blank reply posted. Another time, a reply was in the wrong place. Either it turned into a reply to someone else's post or what should have been a reply to someone's post, was just a post that wasn't attached to the post the reply was meant for.
Is there a way to send an attachment on a PM? I think there was a way on the old forum, but can't seem to find it on the new one. Thank you for any help or direction!
Said this to you in our converstion Ginny but also posting it here for others.

At the bottom of the post, directly to the left of the red "Post reply" box, is a paperclip icon with 'Attach files'.
clic on that and it will open your desk files.
Now as this is a direct pdf copy from a website, I do not know the implications of doing this on an open forum. Private messages are one thing but someone else will have to advise for open forum.


  • Mashed Potatoes For One - One Dish Kitchen.pdf
    78.1 KB · Views: 29
I do have that in the Forum, when I post. I DO NOT have that in PM's. That's exactly my issue. But, thanks for trying!

Do you think I would be banished, if I post my PDF of a few pages from a the Forum, instead of a Private Message?
Now you're talking about copy rights on a book. Unless you get the author's permission... I don't think so. Because you are 'copying word for word' I honestly don't know. Wasn't this in reference to an old local village/town/church published recipe book? If that is the case, you probably don't have to worry - they might love the khudo's. On the otherhand - as a fund raiser, which many of them are, they might be wondering if an unexpected donation turned up in the church parlour. :angel:
@dragnlaw - there is no way of sending pictures in a PM - only links. This is the picture I had wanted to send you, but couldn't:

OK folks, I was wrong. You can only send/post pictures on threads like this, not on/in private messages/conversations. The paper clip "Attach files" is only here.
I'm wondering about "Bookmarks". Are they functional? If so, how do I bookmark something? What can I bookmark? A thread, a forum, someone's profile, a specific post? Here's a screenshot of where I see the "Bookmarks" in the top right hand corner of pages with posts.

This is what I see across the top of your above post:


The left shows the time you posted [my time, I think]. On the right it shows "New" - which tells me it's a new post. Then there is the symbol for "Share this post" and if you hover the cursor over it, it shows where to share it - Facebook, Twitter etc, and also the link to the post. The next symbol is the "Bookmark" one - which, if clicked, will save that particular post to your bookmarks in your account here. Finally the number # shows what number post it is in the thread. In your case above, yours was the 95th post in this thread, this one being the 96th.
This is what I see across the top of your above post:

View attachment 63619

The left shows the time you posted [my time, I think]. On the right it shows "New" - which tells me it's a new post. Then there is the symbol for "Share this post" and if you hover the cursor over it, it shows where to share it - Facebook, Twitter etc, and also the link to the post. The next symbol is the "Bookmark" one - which, if clicked, will save that particular post to your bookmarks in your account here. Finally the number # shows what number post it is in the thread. In your case above, yours was the 95th post in this thread, this one being the 96th.
Thank you. I guess someone needs to make a list of the symbols that are in use here and what they mean. I had completely forgotten that that ribbon means a bookmark.
My theory is that if you hover your cursor over a symbol it should tell you what it's for. If it doesn't then click on it to see. I mean what is the worst thing that could happen if you do? On second thoughts... :unsure:
My theory is that if you hover your cursor over a symbol it should tell you what it's for. If it doesn't then click on it to see. I mean what is the worst thing that could happen if you do? On second thoughts... :unsure:
That doesn't work when you're visiting the site on a smartphone or tablet.

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