We're going home!

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
As many of you know, I've been wanting to move back to OH pretty much since we moved from there in 2000. Left kids and good friends behind. MA was supposed to be 12-15 years, followed by moving back after Himself retired around 2014. Getting laid off in 2011 threw him for a loop, and it took a couple of years for him to be himself again. Then we just kept putting it off...

Put this house up for sale two weeks ago:

Put a bid in on this one on Thanksgiving eve:

And it was accepted!

So plain outside, it has the personality of a shoe box. 😂 But it is tricked out inside with features and upgrades that we never would have been able to afford all of them. Only two years old, the owners are moving south. I'd say that we are very lucky they are. Had it inspected yesterday and she's solid.

Now we go back to MA to pack.
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Is that new house mostly one story? Now that I am older, I really wish my whole home was on one floor. I'm so tired of stairs.

Edited to say I just saw your kitchen thread, so I guess it is a one story house.

What's behind the window on the garage? Attic? Extra light for the garage?
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Is that new house mostly one story? Now that I am older, I really wish my whole home was on one floor. I'm so tired of stairs.

Edited to say I just saw your kitchen thread, so I guess it is a one story house.

What's behind the window on the garage? Attic? Extra light for the garage?
If I ever move, my one requirement is a single floor layout. A basement is fine for occasional use like storing Christmas decorations....
Made an offer, was accepted but lost it. A fantastic house because my own place didn't sell.
One floor, (on a slab, what we used to call a Ranch house) all huge rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 season family room, livingroom, diningroom, kitchen...
all large Car Port, Garage
I still dream about it. Yeah, I know, things happen for a reason... but still.
Thanks so much, everyone! Himself drove past the house again tonight on the way home from Loverly's. It's going to be such a quick jaunt over to her place. I can see us having our instant grandkids over regularly to give her and her hubby a break from kids.

@Aunt Bea I don't do ladders anymore! And from the inside would be worse - it's the "attic" of the garage with no floor, just joists. Pretty sure I'd have a leg dangling down into the garage space real quick!

I love it!

I’m sure your personal shopping assistants from the local Lowe’s will have the exterior tricked out by spring! 😉

When do we move! 🤭

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I bet I can get an employee discount at Lowe's for my landscaping plants. :unsure: We do now have grandkids, so I might enlist them for hauling garden dirt from the driveway to the flower bed on the front of the house. Plans, I have plans...

We can move in anytime after January 17th or 18th. I forget which day the title is scheduled to transfer. I suppose we'll end up timing the move for the worst winter storm of the decade. :oops:

I can't imagine how it has felt for the past 20+ years to be away from "home". I know I'd be super excited to go back.

Also, two fewer Indians fans in MA. ;)
We're glad we'll be close to the kids again. BTW, I'm OK with the new name of Guardians. Still have Indians shirts, but that's because they're still in good shape and we're cheap. :LOL:

Massachusetts will miss you but congrats!!!
There are things I'll miss about MA, too. Market Basket, for one. Can't find prices that good in OH. But costs for car/house insurance, trash removal, electric and natural gas are cheaper, so I'm sure we'll still come out ahead.

@Cooking Goddess I just couldn't be happier for you and Himself!!!
And I gotta say, I for one, think that is such a cute little house.
Now, has the MA house sold yet?
So excited, can't wait to "hear" more details as they unfold.
MA house is still up for sale, but it's been only two weeks. Lots to pack and do before we would move, so I'm not sweating it. It will sell when it sells. They all have, so far.

Is that new house mostly one story? Now that I am older, I really wish my whole home was on one floor. I'm so tired of stairs.
Yes. That's all we looked at. It does have a full basement, and there is the rough-in for a full bathroom down there in case we wanted to finish it. We'll keep Christmas stuff down there, along with a number of other things we don't use often. Himself was already eyeing the one part of the basement (the "bump-out" part under the entry, the second and third bedrooms, and the main bath) for his workshop. Because decent, newer ranch homes are in demand, we feared that we would have to build. We are so lucky to have found a house we both like that is nearly new, has lots of features, and is available now instead of 6+ months out.

What's behind the window on the garage? Attic? Extra light for the garage?
Just attic space. The garage is full drywall, ceiling and walls. There is a light in the "attic", but just to see around. We might need to lay down a couple or ripped plywood boards so that we can install an antenna in the attic. The one BIG problem is that we had access to the three previous houses during construction. It made it easier to add the antenna and any extra wiring. Now? Himself is still puzzling that out.
I have the perfect thing for that upper triangular wall space in the Kitchen/Dining Room.
At the moment he is sitting in front of the fireplace. Don't have a wall anywhere here to put him.
Carved from the root of a single tree trunk with all the roots kept attached.

Thank goodness you don't have to do laundry in the basement. Our washer and dryer are in the basement. Our clothing and bed clothes are all on the 2nd floor. Laundry is so not fun. We tag team it. One person puts a load of laundry in the washer and the other person moves it to the dryer. It's usually a day or two before someone gets it out of the dryer. Wrinkled clothes and sheets, who cares! We always plan it when both of us are up for the trip from top to bottom. We have learned all about mildew, when laundry doesn't get into the dryer soon enough.
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That's our current set-up, too, @taxlady. A first floor laundry was one must-have when we started looking.

Depending on what kind of laundry it is, I have a number of methods I use to deal with laundry. For underwear and towels, I have two small, handled baskets that nest. Himself uses a tall laundry basket to bring down the dirties from the closet hamper. I keep one of the smaller handled baskets in my bathroom and take it to the basement every two days. When I wash undies and towels, the clean towels go into the bottom of the tall basket, all of Himself's underwear and/or socks go into one small basket, mine go into the other. I then get up the steps using the basket like a walker - plant the base a couple of steps up, walk up to join it by standing on the step below the basket, swing the basket up a couple of steps, etc. It might look silly, but it works for me.

Most of our outer clothes (shirts, knit tops, slacks other than jeans) get air dried. I hang things on hangers after I've fluffed them on air in the dryer, then Himself and I meet on the landing halfway up the steps. He hangs them on a rolling clothing rack in the kitchen at that point. I have a small "antique" T-shaped clothes rack that is in the guest room that usually doesn't have guests. I can hang a couple of items on that to give more space between the clothes in the kitchen. Needless to say, I disappear these things when company (or potential buyers, now) appears.
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We have a folding drying rack in the basement for underwear and other things with elastics. I also have a small, hanging drying thingee. But, by then, the risk of mildew is over. I forgot that we often plan a quick trip into the basement at suppertime. That way it's down two flights of stairs and a good long sit after one flight, before the second flight. Gives us time to recuperate.
CG says...
I then get up the steps using the basket like a walker - plant the base a couple of steps up, walk up to join it by standing on the step below the basket, swing the basket up a couple of steps, etc. It might look silly, but it works for me.

When my son is not around to do it (frequently) that's exactly how I "lump" the 18 litre water bottle down the stairs, also the 18 kilo kitty litter box plus whatever else heavy - and that's how I go down! Think reverse, step by step backwards going down.

Nothing silly about that!

another tip for those who think their knees or feet - whatever! may be wonky. Turn around and go down the stairs one at a time backwards. I'd rather fall face forward up the stairs than pitch into air facing down the stairs if something fails.
Don't do it all the time - just once in a while when I'm feeling wonky on my legs.
:oops: Our house is sold! :oops: OMG, we never thought that it would go this fast. Our other two houses sat on the market about six months each. I realize that that was a different location and a different buyers' market, but still!

SO FAR, we're supposed to take possession of our OH house on Jan. 17th. The sellers wish that we would move it up two weeks, though. When we selected Jan. 17th is was, in part, because we hadn't had much activity on our MA house. We got back to MA last week Friday. There was a showing on Sunday, 12-10. The couple put in a bid that night for $9,900.00 less than asking price. We countered with a number mid-way. They accepted that the next day. And just like *that* (clicks fingers but can't ever make a sound), our house was sold. MA house has a closing date of January 31. The buyers wanted the 17th. NOW, if we can get our rears in gear, get a mover, and get all of our ducks in a row, we might be in our OH house in just over a month. You just won't be seeing me before then, most likely.

The downside is in order to get all that done, we wouldn't be going home for Christmas this year. Nothing is guaranteed in life, so we're still trying to decide if we want to take the chance on "next year". So. Many. Decisions.
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