Chicago Italian Beef Sandwiches

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Beef rump roast seasoned with some 21 Salute no salt seasoning from Trader Joes and cooked to an internal of 120*F. The bacon went into some Mac and Cheese.

Roast sliced real thin on a meat slicer.

Some of the slices in some gravy.

My sandwich with some hot giadiniera with a side of mac and blue cheese with bacon. Both were really good!!
The roast took somewhere between 1.5 hours and 2 hours to reach 120*F

The Giadiniera came out of a jar.

And here is what I put in the gravy. I didn't measure anything so add to your taste

Beef stock, oregano, basil, thyme, 2 bay leaves, red pepper flakes, and Worcestershire sauce to a simmer then added a carrot and a stalk of celery. After 30 minutes I removed the carrot, celery and bay leaves and added some thinly sliced onion and cooked for another 5 minutes. Then added some of the roast beef and waited another 15 minutes before I put the beef on the sandwiches. I kept added water also as the pot simmered down.
That is one of my all time favorite sandwiches, you got it spot on to the last detail with the hot Giadiniera. Looks fantastic only thing I do differant is buzz the Giadiniera in the food processor, makes it like a relish and alittle easier to eat

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