Chicken Taco Salad

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Executive Chef
Oct 7, 2009
San Diego CA
Some Med/Lrg flour tortillas in the Perfect Tortilla molds to make some shells.

Diced BSCB cooked and then added some taco seasoning

Can of pinto beans I mashed with a potato masher and added some taco seasoning to it too.

Beans and chicken added to the bottom of one of the shells.

Then topped with Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream and Panilla Cheese. My Wife made some Salsa Verde the other day and I took some of it and added some chicken broth to thin it out a little to make a salad dressing.

Served with some napales salad too. Sorry for the slightly blurry pics, I had a smudge on my lens.
Looking mighty good. There is a little place close to here which specials in Sunny CA Baja beach food..which makes one that looks very similar to that but can tell not as There is a mamacita who makes the torts as they go using dough balls and an industrial press looking thing then onto a spinning griddle. Not sure how they mess up the torts so bad but the size they use for the bowls...which they then just stick down in a throw away aluminum plate...cannot be chewed as good as I have tried. Got to pretend that bottom is just to look I bet yours is highly edible.
Brother Vermin is indeed a treasure. We will be seeing him on Food TV. I have a feeling about that. I mean everybody loves SW type cooking. I could put in a good word for him with Rachel and Alton. Sure you would not mind dropping a bug in Emerils ear or whoever you happen to know around there. We may need to help him pick out a new stage name. Vermin could ruin the appetite of some squeamish of widder ladies huh?
Looking at this has gotten me in the mood for some Chicken Fajitas. Getting the chicken out of the fridge right now.
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