Cookbooks Galore!!!! name is "Bakersdozen" and I am a "cookbook-a-holic!
I had to "fess up" after reading all the threads about other cookbook lovers here...I enjoy cooking and baking from mine as well as read them like a novel. Nothing better than to curl up with a new (or old) cookbook(s), a cup of coffee (tea or cocoa) and lose yourself for hours.
I've collected cookbooks since my teens and now I'm...well we won't go there, but its been
many years since and I'm still going strong. My house is overflowing to put it mildly....I have two "cookbook rooms" with floor-to-ceiling shelving on all the walls except for a space for the windows and in one of the rooms, for my computer! Its been years since I counted and at that time...I had over 2000! Nope this is not a typo! Now I would venture to say its closer to 4000...every shape, size, and
subject out there...and would you believe it....there are millions I don't have. I know other collectors that have twice the books I do, and some less. I guess mine has become an obsession.
It's a fun hobby and I enjoy helping others "hunt" down the ever-elusive recipe...some new, some old and some quite a challenge. My husband and family accept this obsession and quite often add to it. My favorite gift for Christmas or birthdays are cookbooks....altho' I sometimes have to hand out lists to pick from so there are no duplicates. Even my sister (bless her heart) who hates to cook

brings me bags or an armload of cookbooks from her garage saling or flea markets so its like Christmas all the time! They are all amazed when I'm asked do you have such and such cookbook, and can go right to it...and no, I am not organized at all. Matter of fact, I plan on "trying" to get better organized for my winter project this year! Hopefully!
My favorites....well my first cookbook (a Better Homes & Garden Looseleaf Cookbook (1964-65) was the very first cookbook I owned and I bought it with babysitting money I earned cause I wanted to try and make some of the recipes with the pretty pictures would be my pick. Then my Mom's old Betty Crocker cookbook and I conquered my fear of baking with yeast with The Fanny Farmer Cookbook. I love all my cookbooks, but find myself collecting alot of Southern ones, Texas and regional books. One set I enjoy is the Farm Journal books...good down-home cooking. Have so many favorites...its hard to choose!
So there you have cookbook confession...