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i'm going for a dip in the jacuzzi. things are slow around here tonite.
BTW, sush, i contacted someone about building an Olympic-sized pool for this summer. the workers are coming tomorrow to start digging. i ordered towels and lounge chairs, and all kinds of pool equipment too. i hope you don't mind. the bill is kinda high.:-p
can't wait!
i was thinking of doing a pig roast tomorrow, weather permitting. what do you guys think?
when is the red sauce showdown?
here's what our pool will look like:
I've got a fresh pot of butter pecan coffee & some hot orange cranberry scones if anyone wants some. I'm going to throw some linens in the wash & visit the jacuzzi for a while if anyone needs anything.
Did I hear butter pecan coffee? Wooo! *pouring a cup* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Good stuff crewsk. Is it quiet in here today? Anything need prepping?
*Cough cough* Who left this pot of soup on the stove on high??? Oops, that was me!:blush: Seriously folks, you should see my house right now, thank god for hood fans. I am now banning myself from the kitchen. I am clearly not in the right headspace for it today.
Don't feel bad Alix. Last week I was preheating the oven to 400 & when I opened it to slide whatever it was I was going to cook, I found one of my dinner plates with a piece of country fried steak on it covered with foil from supper the night before(hubby was supposed to take it out)!:blush: Luckly the plate didn't break.
crewsk said:
Don't feel bad Alix. Last week I was preheating the oven to 400 & when I opened it to slide whatever it was I was going to cook, I found one of my dinner plates with a piece of country fried steak on it covered with foil from supper the night before(hubby was supposed to take it out)!:blush: Luckly the plate didn't break.

That reminds me of the time we went to Grandma's house and it smelled awful - she had preheated the oven for a turkey, and when she opened the door, there was all her melted tupperware that she had stored in it!

I'm poking my head in quickly, but need to go pick up son #2. Be back soon. Would someone mind brewing up some coffee for me? I'd like some to go with the cookies I made last night. If anyone wants any, I already brought 12 dozen to the church, but I've still got 3 dozen left. (they're best warmed in the toaster):chef:
Just popping in before I leave work. Busy day today. Think we'll go Mexican tonight. I'm snacking on our British toffee...Gotta get away from all the goodies. Hugs to all.
BTW, sush, i contacted someone about building an Olympic-sized pool for this summer. the workers are coming tomorrow to start digging. i ordered towels and lounge chairs, and all kinds of pool equipment too. i hope you don't mind. the bill is kinda high.:-p

Nope. Sorry. No pool. We have NOOOOOO place to put it. Plus we have to start hanging on to our money. :neutral: We are spending it like water. And Bang STILL hasnt given us the OK that the wine cellar is finally finished. :mad:
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