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Pook: Where is your dog?

Barb: Have you taken the Virtual B&B tour? You can find it in post #9156. I don't think there is a line right now so you might be next. It cost .50 but you'll be reimbursed .05 each day you stay at the B&B.

Is Pinky a Michigan Derby champion in the pig races? Are you his manager? Just how famous is Pinky? We may have a security problem. It seems that pigs acquire a lot of fans. You need to contact Sushi before you schedule any press conferences.

Our last pig guest was very demanding. He ordered bacon & eggs every morning and complained if the eggs were not the brown organic ones. He would only eat chili made with gormet pork butt. Everybody thought he was a slob because he ate corn & ham sandwiches all day long.

My mistake, that is not Pook's dog. That is the B&B chauffeur enroute to the train station to drive you here. There's a breathilizer on that iginiton. He can't start the vehicle unless he has a blood alcohol level of 1.08. He's never been in more than 9 serious accidents in a single week. You'll be safe with him.

See you soon.
Middie you look familiar are you a soap star? Did I see you on the Young & Restless today?

goboenomo is looking for a B&B actress to feature in his realty show. Has he given you a script to look over? Is that why you cleaned this place top to bottom?
Um nope... you saw me on One Life To Live lol.
j/k. No I didn't get a script. I wonder if that was
it on the bar in the lounge ?
I went to goboenomo's movie thread. The announcement said that I would be viewing the Netherlands but all I saw was a picture of my pickup truck sitting in the driveway in Illinois. Why do you suppose he has a picture of that? It's not even for sale!
Just picked up my crate of pig food , (special ? lol) nah, just fruity pebbles -his favorite ! His corn will be coming in tomorrow. Also, took the tour last year, came for a day- spent most of it lost in the Pine Maze ! Whew - I've only had Pinky a week, so am learning his personality, likes and dislikes.
Barb L said:
Just picked up my crate of pig food , (special ? lol) nah, just fruity pebbles -his favorite ! His corn will be coming in tomorrow. Also, took the tour last year, came for a day- spent most of it lost in the Pine Maze ! Whew - I've only had Pinky a week, so am learning his personality, likes and dislikes.

Here's a how to book on PIG HOLLERING. Study and Practice! We've invited American Idol to the B&B to audition you.
Pook said:
Hey! There's a tractor-trailer out here at the dock full of sushi sauce. Do I need to sign for this?

LOL about my dog! She's too old to drive. She kept running the car into stuff and it got hairy a couple years ago.

Has anyone seen my guitar tuner?

FedEx just delivered a crate of Special Pig Food. Uh, Barb, you wanna come get this?

The Pookster

Have you checked B&B Lost & Found? We are going to have an auction and sell the unclaimed stuff. We are taking sealed bids on a found mitten. It is large but has short fingers. It is red in color and is waterproof. I would love to have it for my collection; it is a one of a kind.
Hi Pook! Glad you found your tuner. They do cat calls here that is why we need a drummer. Say, did you happen to see a Flintstone lunch box in the lost & found? There was a turtle inside. I believe that someone has been hunting turtles at the B&B. Wonder who the turtle hunter is?
Just got in late last night, weather is great ! Put Pinky in the zoo, he fit right in. My room is quite comfortable, but kept hearing a strange noise all night. Just got up, made coffee for everyone, frying (shhh) bacon up now. Wish someone else were up. Eggs are next, then toast. I'll just sip my coffee till someone else gets up !
Pook: Watched the latest videos of your cats. Excellent! When they perform at the B&B, we will be able to give them the all out drum roll that they deserve!
Barb L said:
Just got in late last night, weather is great ! Put Pinky in the zoo, he fit right in. My room is quite comfortable, but kept hearing a strange noise all night. Just got up, made coffee for everyone, frying (shhh) bacon up now. Wish someone else were up. Eggs are next, then toast. I'll just sip my coffee till someone else gets up !

Welcome Barb: Thanks for making breakfast. Most of DC were out and about. It seems odd that with 552 other guest staying at the B&B, they would be missed. Robo Maid delivered me a tray this morning. It's not everyday that I have breakfast in bed. I may have overdone it a bit when I was in San Francisco last week.
Thats Sgt. Snail. He was on the front lines as infantry in Nam'. He shelled the enemy positions. :rolleyes: Just dont talk about it! He has a slight case of shell-shock. :ermm:
Then snail was a weatherman in the UK. He lost his job this week due to some foul weather that they had. He carries nunchukas and has a very bad temper.
He said he was going to get a ride to Little Rock Arkansas. I hope he hasn't been drinking.
Our chefs carry snail pistols and have set a lot of escargot traps. (they keep those snail pistol hammers filled and many are said to have a fast draw. I really like the oyster grips.)
Just try to stay away from him but if you have any problems, he can be calmed with earl grey mace. Pick some up from the B&B supply hut.
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