Do you have dark circles under your eyes

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Senior Cook
May 3, 2020
I get very good sleep every night but for some reason I always have these dark circles under my eyes, they make me look tired.

Is there any way to reduce the look of them? Kind of annoying.
I don't wear make up, it feels weird on my face.

How do men deal with it? They can't put on make up...
First, find out why you have dark circles under your eyes. They could be a symptom of a problem.
Hmm...could be.

I have always had these dark circles and I thought they could be due to the structure of my eye sockets and the way my eyeballs were positioned.

Anyway I hate them. They make me look like a panda.
One thing I found at both WebMD and The Cleveland Clinic medical sites was to place cold tea bags under your eyes. This can increase circulation because tea contains caffeine and antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Just take a wet tea bag, chill it in the fridge, lie down and place the bags on your eyes. If you drink tea, make some and drink it, then put the used tea bags in the fridge (no need to waste tea bags).

Hmm...could be.

I have always had these dark circles and I thought they could be due to the structure of my eye sockets and the way my eyeballs were positioned.

Anyway I hate them. They make me look like a panda.

According to medical websites, they are not usually a symptom of any illness, but they can be genetic. You say you've always had them? How about parents and siblings?

Also, people with darker complexions seem to be more prone to have dark circles.

Hmm...could be.

I have always had these dark circles and I thought they could be due to the structure of my eye sockets and the way my eyeballs were positioned.

Anyway I hate them. They make me look like a panda.
I have allergies and I also am a side/stomach sleeper, both of which contribute to puffy eyes that are often they are darkish tinged, especially underneath. I actually drink tea every morning and I put the tea bags in the freezer and save them. After my shower I use them as cold compresses on my eyelids and underneath. It does seem to help.

There are probably OTC formulas you can use that are not makeup that might help. I haven't researched it. I know mine would get better if I didn't end up sleeping on my face. Also I take various prescription allergy medications and they help a little but not completely. Oh well.

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