Dog Whisperer

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((((ITK))))You and your niece are truly earth angels for these dogs. I think everyone here knows how much I adore my lab- I don't know how I would have gotten through these past 6 years without her.I have a lab calendar and there is a saying on it I would like to share with you- Dogs aren't your whole life but, they make your life whole.Much love and energy to you and your niece,vicki

Last nite he reported at end of show one of the dogs he worked with was euthenized! He didn't look too happy about it. Guess he would have ta ken the dog rat her than put it down. He t akes his work very serious the way we all should. Kind of makes you resent people for giving up the way they do. He mentioned dogs can tell what you are thinking. If you are afraid then they feel the same way. Can't fool a dog. Guess this dog knew he was going to the end too. How terrible.
I had never heard of this show, much less seen it. I watched for the first time today. I absolutely LOVE this show!!! As for most of these dogs, I would have personally given up on them. Ceasar shows how you can get problems solved and under control. Thanks for this thread!!
I wish someone like that could meet my border collie. Recently someone came to deliver a package, they opened my front door because they didn't see me in main room. However anyone can hear my dog when they come up the driveway, or even cross in front of the house on the sidewalk. She opened my door and my dog jumped her and she got some scratches, now he has to be muzzled at all times if he is outside, cannot be in custody of anyone under 18 and they tried to make me put him down. They actually told me that they thought I should put him down as they are sure he'll bite someone by the end of the summer and then they will put him down and fine us. My dog went through training and temperment testing, the certified trainer even sent the test results to the bylaw officer. He was just protecting me because the person didnt even ring the doorbell to let me know she was here. He didn't break skin and no blood was drawn. The bylaw guy was obviously afraid of dogs (even my cocker puppy for gods sake) and said he was definately unsound and that hes not a collie but an australian sheppard which he says is an unstable dog. Apparently he thinks he knows more then a certified trainer and my vet. My dog loves people and kids, my neice rides him like a horse. We've even checked by inviting friends over that he doesn't know to see if he reacts to them if he doesn't percieve danger towards us. he doesn't mind anyone as long as they announce themselves to me and I let them in. and if its someone he knows then they can even let themselves in... I think if I could get another proffesional to give their opinion on him then maybe they would remove the muzzle rule. It bothers him so much.
WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Trip, this person came into YOUR house, without permission and they wanted your dog punished????? HELLO!!!!!!! Your dog was protecting your home!! That is idiotic of the system. So, if your dog were to get someone for breaking in, does that mean your dog was a fault too? That is absolutely rediculous!!! I'm sorry you have had to go through that. Your dog should not have to be trained against protecting you and your family!!!

and, my aussie sheppard was one of the most sweetest dogs when I was there when meeting someone for the first time. If you came up and she didn't know you, yes, she was protective. They are not unstabel but, very very protective. She loved my youngest son and when we tried to give him swats for his 18th birthday last year, she got between us and growled. She never snapped, just told us she wasn't going to let us hurt her boy. That's the way they are.
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I am outraged! NOBODY delivering any sort of package should ever enter my home without me present! If they do my dog will be the least of their problems That's to ridiculous to countenance! Your dog was only doing his/her job and should not be punished for that. I would appeal the muzzle requirement and that bylaw officer is an imbecile! I agree that he sounds afraid of dogs and the notion of him "protecting you" - HAH! He was just enjoying his power. I know! Lets muzzle the bylaw officer and leave the dog alone!

Well you got my dander up first thing this morning!

2 in Or who is still simmering!
Thats how we feel too, it's really very upsetting to both us and the dog. A neighbour came by one day and asked why he had a muzzle on (we had never met her, her friend or her grandkids who were with her). He just soaked up the attention. Part of the problem is she said he got through the door and got her on the stairs, however how would my dog end up through the door, and secondly I found her at the top of my stairs, if my dog lauched his 40 lb body at someone coming up stairs, rest assured they'de be going back down. However the by law guy insisted they had to take her word. Even my mail man thinks its nuts...
Have you tried writing up something and getting neighbors and especailly the mailman to sign it to show their opion and experience with the dog? I so upset over this.
Hi Trip - I read about your troubles, and I feel so bad for you and your dog. Hopefully some of the suggestions here might help the situation.
As for the dog whisperer - I discovered his show one Friday night and was riveted. It hit me that many of the methods he teaches about training dogs to be well behaved would work just as well for children! Hope you don't think I'm crazy for saying that. I have three close-to-grown-up girls, and I think (touch wood) they've turned out well, but I probably could have used some of those techniques way back when they were little. I've tried a few things with our dog, Shelby, like getting control of how she behaves when on a walk with a leash....and they worked so well - and I know both of us enjoy the walk much more.
My Poor Puppy

The neighbours who stopped by were disgusted with the whole thing and started a petition, nothing really came of it though. Once I have a job we're thinking of getting a lawyer to do something about it. It was ironic, it actually happened about 2-3 days after I lost my job... never rains but it pours... lol:censored:
I'm trying to add a couple of pics of the evil dog from hades, let me know if you think he's a deviant. Even my mom in law whos afraid of dogs loves him. She and my mom call him Casanova. :wub:


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Oh and the first one is when we first got him (pulled him out from under a truck, rushed him to a vet and spent 18 hrs straight trying to get grease, food, bugs, and other uglies out of his fur, and trying to find out how he had burned most of the fur off of his chin.) He wouldn't even eat back then, he only weighed 23 lbs, that breed is supposed to be 30 lbs at the very least, now hes around 40 lbs.

your dogs really look like no one could get by with anything while they are around. They have a sharp look about them. If they do something I believe they can tell something people can't. They don't have to talk to know how people are they have st rong instinct. I am hoping nothing will happen to either of them. That would be big heartache. Ever try emailing the Dog Whisperer. I am sure he has website and if anyone would be willing to help he would. The world is only too big not enough people who willing to understand why dogs do what they do. Whatever it is I would side with the dogs. People really bother me. In fact, got into fight w/neighbor and he asked if I would side w/dog over a person. without hesitation I said yes. Guess he knows where he stands! They say you live and learn and I have learned to trust my friends w/four legs.
YES!!! E=mail Cesar! He will respond! I'd be surprised if he didn't! His show is on National Geographic - what a great idea!
2 in Or
More than One

I was listening to guy on radio in charge of St ray Rescue. Don't know if you heard the dog he now owns was supposed to be put in w/other dogs to be gassed or whatever. After the guy did the regular operation this dog was sitting there wagging his tail. Didn't affect him at all. He is now owned by this guy in charge of stray rescue. i can imagine how the guy who operated the gas must have felt! Well, anyway they were discussing how to handle loss of pets. They said, if you have more than one they are like family and when the one is put down the other one should be allowed to come in and smell the dog to understand what happened. First time I heard this but makes dog sense to me. Wonder if Caser the Whisperer knows about this? I am sure he handles his dogs like he does his family. Having the dog know why the dog is not around is closure for him. All my dogs are getting there old and two w/diabetes never sure about. They are sisters and often wonder how one will handle the other being gone. Often thought of letting them go together but not sure if would be fair. They also said to be there when the vet gives them the inject ion not to leave them alone. Not easy. Guess it is reality but who likes it?
That is why could never be a vet... know alot of people who bring in pets when they're old and no fun anymore, then they say their suffering from arthritis or something instead of getting treatment... they have them put down... I say they should be put down when they get old... do unto others kind of thing.

Couldn't agree more! Happens all the time! So strange the vet I go to has three other vets in office w/him. My vet always wants to save the dogs, the other vet in the office I had to go to when my regular vet wasn't there advised me the put the dog down. Last time I see him. I have been going to same vet for more than 30 years. Everytime we have to have one put down he lets us stay w/the dog until we feel ready to let them go. No matter how long it takes he allows us time in the room to accept the loss. He also sends sympathy cards. Has just start ed doing that recently. I have always said I truly wish he were my doct or for the understanding and help he gives to my dogs. His son is now going to become vet also. I know he shares the pain when he has to put one down Some people just bring them and leave to let him take care of them. I often wonder how he can tolerate some of the people that come in there. Me included, always asking questions. Like you said some of them are so special Once I brought rabbit that was hit by car but still alive, he took it and put it to sleep. Told me nothing could be done, Didn't charge me anything to take care of it. Just wanted to give it relief. Guess everyone has favorite vet that they feel grateful for. Also thankful you have same concern for dogs as I do. Cats are nice too. We have some of them in our family too.
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