A few of Lidia's recipes I want to try

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
I was switching the channels ( nothing on) and came across Lidia Bastianich's cooking show. I haven't seen it in awhile, and she was making things could eat/ work with , so I left it on.

One recipe was a winter minestrone soup. I actually never heard of this until a few weeks ago, when my daughter sent me a pic of a similar soup she was having while she was in Italy. The thing that is new to me, is using green split peas in a tomato based soup. I see nothing wrong with it, just never had done it before. I'm looking forward to trying it.

The other recipe was a zucchini - bread lasagna, using slices of bread instead of lasagna noodles. I thought, what a great idea! Now I have something else to do in the summer when I'm overloaded with zucchinis.

Just curious if anyone else has tried similar recipes/ techniques as above , and what they thought of the results.

I don't understand why one would want to replace the pasta with bread? To me, the pasta is an integral part of a lasagna. (and no, haven't watched it yet)

Not a fan of Minestrone - LOL - not even my own, which isn't bad, just not my kind of soup. I only make it so as to use up vegies in dire need. :whistling
I made a really good dish like that "lasagna" dish with the bread, years ago, from some book, where they weren't even describing it as a replacement for the pasta - just something to do with leftover bread, which I used to have a lot more of! And, not being able to grow zuke, I used slices of eggplant, instead of the zucchini, and the meat I used was some cooked Italian sausage (which I know you won't use!). Now you have me wondering - which of those Italian CBs in there did I get that out of...or was it just a magazine? Maybe it will come to me in a dream, or something! Is it time to take a nap? :LOL:
Don't know about bread, but soup sounds good, the only problem I do not eat half of the items on the list :)
I've only had green split peas in split pea soup. I'm curious how it would taste with tomatoes and white beans. I'll have to try it with whatever greens we have in the house and squash.
I've only had green split peas in split pea soup. I'm curious how it would taste with tomatoes and white beans. I'll have to try it with whatever greens we have in the house and squash.
That was y mindset, that why it kinda threw me off a bit. Not in a bad way, just never considered it. When my daughter sent me her pics from Italy of the minestrone soup she had ( she was disappointed cause she was expecting tomato based, I did a little research and saw the winter version of the soup. This looks like somewhere in the middle, but Im definitely curious to try it.
I made a really good dish like that "lasagna" dish with the bread, years ago, from some book, where they weren't even describing it as a replacement for the pasta - just something to do with leftover bread, which I used to have a lot more of! And, not being able to grow zuke, I used slices of eggplant, instead of the zucchini, and the meat I used was some cooked Italian sausage (which I know you won't use!). Now you have me wondering - which of those Italian CBs in there did I get that out of...or was it just a magazine? Maybe it will come to me in a dream, or something! Is it time to take a nap? :LOL:
Years ago I was watching Ciao Itlalia, and Mary Ann Esposito made a bread and cheese casserole which looked really good too. I never had the chance to make it. Another way to get rid of extra bread ( not that I ever have extra bread, I cant get enough of it).

Another unconventional (to me) way to used up bread.
I've been making this for years. It's one of my daughter's favorites. Cubes of bread added to the soup at the end.

Sounds good for a cold winter night!

I think that I would bake it and use the bread to form a crust or cap similar to French onion soup.
LOL, I always add bread to all clear type soups - meaning vegetab;e, minestrone types. (not Won Ton) Otherwise it slops around in my stomach too much. Yes, even full of vegies.
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