Eating kosher had its advantages.

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Well, not always.

The preschool two of my daughters are going to is doing a small fundraising this coming Sunday. I was asked to help with cooking.
I will be making omelets. Now that is where the disadvantage comes in. Not having been in the regular restaurant for years now, I do not remember how the omelets are normally made. Person in charge suggested to precook, prefry (is it even a word?) all the fixings. But I think it is not a good idea. I thought in the regular restaurants, when branch is served everything is seating in bowls/containers fresh, so a person can choose whatever he/she wants. Who’s right and who is wrong, or maybe we are both right. Then what would you recommend to do. Open for any suggestions. :?:
IMO Charlie, omelets are quickies and the "you choose, I'll make" idea is what I would do.

I'd have chopped onions, chopped bell pepper, chopped tomatoes, sliced jalapenos, chopped ham, chopped roast beef, chopped roasted chicken, chopped bacon, chopped canadian bacon, shredded cheddar, swiss...anything you can imagine in an omelet all in individual plastic-covered bowls. And make them fresh to order! You'd need a two-burner electric cooktop and a container of olive/canola oil...

Anyone else have any ideas here?
Yes not pre-cooked. Fresh is always better, but you can crack the eggs and mix with milk/water and just use a ladle for each omelette. Good luck.
If it's a kosher event, absolutely avoid milk, beef, and pork. Safer to stick with precooked fish and chicken for the meats.

As for precooked add-ins, that's up to you. Depending on the ingredient, I like to precook some and stick with raw for others. For instance, I prefer cooked mushrooms to raw.
I run the omelette station at work on Sunday Brunch. I usually put out around 14 or so toppings.

Diced onions
Diced bell peppers (mixed colors)
Diced ham
Diced tomatoes
Sliced mushrooms
Sliced sausage links
Sliced green onions
Bacon bits
salad shrimp or imitation crab (the GM likes to see some seafood out there)
Browned hashbrowns (if you don't brown them, folks think it's mozzarella)
Shredded cheddar
Shredded swiss
asparagus, cut into small pieces
snow peas, cut into small pieces
shredded cooked chicken
a good-quality salsa and/or Tabasco

I prefer to use a pre-liquified egg product, as this cooks up without "puffing up", which makes it hard to roll an omelette out of the pan, as well as no egg shells in the mix. Also, it's a whole lot easier to open up four 32 oz cartons of liquid eggs and pour, then to crack and scramble two flats of eggs.

I usually use straight veggie oil on brunch, with clarified butter on the line back in the kitchen; at home I use a 50/50 mix of clarified butter and canola oil.

I have a lot of folks ask for egg-white omelettes. I've started taking out a small pint container of an egg-beater-type product, on ice, for those folks. While it's not 100% egg white, it is 98%, which is usually close enough for my customers.

I have two cookstations with two burners each, for a total of four burners. I keep them side-by-side, and run a pattern. When a new person comes in, I start the ingredients sauteing on the right-hand side (where they enter my cookstation from). When I add the eggs, I move the pan to the left. This allows me to keep the pan inline with the person who's getting the omelette. This is really helpful when I'm making four omelettes at once.

I keep the two cheeses behind me, and place the cheese on the omelette after it's cooked, right before I roll it onto the plate. I've found that if you place the cheese where the folks can get to it, they put it in with all their other ingredients, and ends up melting, sticking, and burning.

Keep some extra tongs and/or spoons handy, as someone usually drops at least one.

A rubber spat is a must, to lift the half-congealed egg up a bit and allow the liquid egg to run under and cook, as well as aiding in folding an omelette.

I usually try to "roll" the omelettes out of the pan, by sliding 1/3 of the omelette onto the plate, tilting the pan up (into the plate), and letting the opposite side of the omelette fold over the center, then use the pan to fold the center onto the part of the omelette that I've already plated, creating a tri-fold. If the omelette is to thick, or overcooked, it usually ends up getting folded. These days, I can do either one, in a split second, depending on how the omelette is cooked. If I can't "roll" the omelette, I'll fold it, usually so quick, the customer has no idea that I'm actually trying to do something complicated.
I'm going to be the odd ball out here - for ease of preparation and shorter cookings times I would have onions sauteed, green peppers sauteed, homestyle potatoes fried, etc.

That way all you have to do is heat those ingredients. Then add the cheese or whatever. Even if you mix the eggs and milk before be sure and take some kind of ladle to scoop out the right portion.

I'm odd ball out - but that's my thoughts on it since people won't want to stand around waiting for all this stuff to cook.

OK, now hang me :oops:
GB, thanks for being so generous with the information for somebody like me.

Now, if you would be so kind to tell me all about the Free Masons? :P
I decided to take all the talk about the Kosher laws and make a new topic out of it so that we can get back to Charlies original question, so if you are looking for that stuff it is a new topic called Kosher Laws under the General Questions and Chat forum.
GB said:
I decided to take all the talk about the Kosher laws and make a new topic out of it so that we can get back to Charlies original question, so if you are looking for that stuff it is a new topic called Kosher Laws under the General Questions and Chat forum.

thanks, good idea.
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