Finish this sentence: I smiled today when......

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tancowgirl2000 said:
that made me smile name your chickens?

oh yeah!
The blonde one is Melly ( Greek for honey)
The black one is Mavre ( Greek for black)
The small red on is Kota ( Greek for chicken)
and the big red one is Cleo ( because she had black "eyeliner" just like Cleopatra)

I even name the bunnies and bobcats that run through our yard. I'm a little silly!:):)
Mom, had a pretty good day today, remembering and not repeating everything..That made me smile. Seeing the boys after workk, that made me smile and Pds chicken names made me GRIN:D

I smiled today when Paul said he'd go pick black berries with me. The cobbler is cooling in the kitchen.

Kadesma, I'm glad I gave you something to grin about!!
You did Pds...Now could I get a piece of that cobbler for some homemade vanilla ice cream?

Sure! By the time you get here it'll be cool enough to munch on! We'll wait for you to arrive!!
Well hurry hurry! Vanilla ice cream is my favorite food in the world! : )
Just watching a hummer come drink out of the hose I was holding to water plants. That made me smile. And several special people on this board...they know who they are made me smile:)

because although it's been a long busy day, it's been a good one and I got to spend a lot of time here, playing games:LOL:

When tasted coffee this morning! First time in 5 days! Oh boy did I miss it!

and when my kitty decided that she had to sit on my lap for some extra loving
this morning!
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