First Batch of Dills

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Moderator Emeritus
May 10, 2002
Edmonton, Alberta
OW OW OW!!! I think I've burned the prints off my fingertips! I had a little issue getting the rings onto the stupid glass lids. OW!

The jars look good, I used my own dill and garlic, but had to buy the cukes. I had a bit too much wine with dinner so this is a new twist on PWI...pickling while intoxicated. Possibly this was a good thing as I'm not feeling the pain in my fingers as I might otherwise have done!

I will post pics and a review asap. Picture first, but review will be a few weeks away at least.

Anyone else got dills going?
Alix, most years I have a lousy harvest of cucumbers but this year I have an abundance.
Usually I buy cucumbers and pickle with vinegar and salt etc and make pickles, but this year, I'm fermenting mine.
I have three 5 gallon containers going right now, my first try at them. I'll can them in September by pasturizing them, versus, water bath canning them.
I'm in the learning curve. I check them every 2 days, clean off the scum and bloom, and I'm learning.
I totally enjoy the taste of natural fermented pickles and I want to make them myself. I'll let you know how the end result turns out.
OW OW OW!!! I think I've burned the prints off my fingertips! I had a little issue getting the rings onto the stupid glass lids. OW!
:LOL: Sorry but I have to laugh, but I'm curious how you burned yourself handling the spring lids? They should not be anywhere near the heat when you grab them. I have a box of them I move near me on the floor so I can just grab and screw on quickly. Even the flat lids should not be that hot since they are only warmed enough to soften the gasket.

I go through pickles so quickly I usually use the packaged mixes from Ball® and Mrs Wages® to obtain consistent result, but right now I'm making a batch of fermented pickles using whey that only takes a few days.

I have to get my pickling cucumbers from my local Farmers Market, which is $1.50/lb now. :ohmy: I used to pay $0.50-$0.75/lb.
Mcnerd, I have the old fashioned jars with glass lids that require rubber rings and then the metal ring over top of all. My usual practice is to sterilize everything, put the rings on the glass lids and then pop the whole shooting match into the boiling water for a few minutes while I fill the jars and pour the brine.

Well...I had a rather LARGE glass of wine while making dinner and was just a wee bit happy while making the pickles. The stupid rubber ring fell off and I couldn't get it back on with my tongs so I did it with my fingers. Sigh.

Thats the one jar that didn't seal properly BTW. :rolleyes:
I'm hoping for a couple more batches from my pickle plants. I only had two plant this year but they were very productive. I will plant more next year.
OH MY LORD!!! I am SO upset! I have no one but myself to blame. I just lost 5 jars of pickles to my own idiocy. I checked the seals the next day and found only one that hadn't sealed. That one went in the fridge. The others I left on the counter to be moved to the basement later. I did NOT remember to tighten the rings to keep the seal tight. Mistake #1. I moved the jars into a box to go downstairs and as I was putting it down I *sort of* dropped it a bit. Mistake #2. I walked away and didn't think much of it til today. Mistake #3.

I got to thinking about the progression of all these things and thought I'd best check the seals. They ALL popped! CRAPCRAPCRAPCRAPCRAP!!!!! If I'd only checked them sooner I might have salvaged SOMETHING. Grrrr! :mad:
I just made my first Kosher dills today. I'm hoping they come out great. I am afraid that they are going to taste 'cooked' since I had to process them for about 20 minutes. The recipe doesn't say how long to wait before you try them, so I'll give them several days, then dig in.
20 minutes is a little long to me so they will probably have a cooked texture. Did you use 'pickle crisp' or keep the cucs ice cold before going into the jars?

Most canned quick pickles aren't that quick and will take 6-8 weeks to infuse their flavors.
20 minutes is a little long to me so they will probably have a cooked texture. Did you use 'pickle crisp' or keep the cucs ice cold before going into the jars?

Most canned quick pickles aren't that quick and will take 6-8 weeks to infuse their flavors.

I followed the recipes directions. It said 15 minutes and I had to adjust for altitude. I used pickle crisp. I didn't want them to be cooked and wondered if processing them that long would make them cooked texture :(

I wanted to use the fermented method, however, I have allergies and thought that might be an issue for me.

If you have a Kosher dill recipe you have had success with, I'd love if you would share it.
Jana, here is my 3 day pickle recipe. Its kosher if you use kosher salt. I use this basic recipe for my other pickles too, just process a bit differently.
I didn't realize you had to make a high altitude adjustment where you are. All canned products are going to have a certain degree of cooked, mushy texture. Can't be avoided though the Pickle Crisp helps to hold the cells intact. Crispness is why people like Refrigerator pickles so much.

Different recipes aren't going to change the texture. Experience with keeping the vegetable cold and using the pickle crisp are the real secrets. And of course the pickling cucumbers must be fresh. I get mine from the local farmers market if I don't have them growing in my backyard. I make pickles so often that I cheat and use the commercial mixes from Ball® and Mrs.Wages®. Quick and easy.
2 of the 3 gallons of fermented pickles were a success. One gallon seemed to have an off smell, so I dumped it.
We canned 18 quarts (one didn't seal) with a university extension pasturization method, to hold at 180 degrees F for 30 minutes in a water bath canner. And one gallon of pickles for the fridge.
They taste pretty good. I'd do this again.
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