Forum Mobile Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android Devices!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
Rejoice! After a long wait forum members can finally surf the board with our Custom App for iPhone, iPad, and Android Devices. This App is FREE and will help you stay in touch and up to date, while on the go. Once you have downloaded it you should be able to log in and post from your mobile device. You will use the same login and password as you would from your computer to access the forum.

To download your free app:

Itunes users click here!

Android users click here!

Look for future support for other devices such as Blackberry and Windows Mobile and thanks for waiting so patiently for these mobile apps :chef:
Woohoo!!! Awesome. I have been waiting for this. I'm posting from the app right now. Way to go guys. You just keep elevating DC to the next level. Thanks!
Is there any way to get the power users page to be listed as a page to view in the app?
Is there any way to get the power users page to be listed as a page to view in the app?

GB, I think it's likely the power users page will not work but can pass along the request. If you click on the the button that says current you can get most recently posted to threads which is some help.
Thanks Janet. I had a feeling it wouldn't work, but it was worth asking. Current will certainly work though.
Every time I go to DC from an email link on my iPhone it pops up a box telling me there is an app available now and to click OK to download it or click cancel to never see this message again. I have the app and have clicked both OK and cancel, but still get the message every single time.
I had it on my iPad but took it off because it kept telling me there were new responses to the threads I posted in but couldn't ever find them and the red number on my home screen really bugged me. Is there a way that screen could be more like the user cp button we see when we go on line? Does that make sense?
I will get DH to put it on my new Android, but since I have my new netbook with mobile internet I will probably use it more.

Wow, lots of huge changes while I was gone!
OK, fellow android users, how on earth did you log in and post? I see nothing anywhere for logging in or posting. I swear I usually figure this stuff out on my own but I'm not finding anything.
purple.alien.giraffe said:
OK, fellow android users, how on earth did you log in and post? I see nothing anywhere for logging in or posting. I swear I usually figure this stuff out on my own but I'm not finding anything.

I just pressed the button with the lines on it on my phone and I think that is where the login button is. Although it may have asked me to login the first time I started the app. If all else fails, uninstall the app and reinstall.

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