Gearing up for Thanksgiving!

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Sous Chef
Apr 24, 2022
unincorporated area
I dearly love Thanksgiving--a holiday given over to being thankful and to food!
I just made a batch of cranberry chutney to serve with our roast chicken (there's two of us, and a turkey for two is another definition of eternity), did the last check of needed ingredients and found I have them all, and made a list of the dishes on the menu so I can plan out my timing.
We will finish up the Thanksgiving left-overs in time to start gearing up for Christmas, another favorite holiday!
I'm going to go shopping tomorrow for everything perishable I can buy ahead of time. On Sunday, I'll finish up the shopping and start prep.
We're planning on shopping tomorrow as well. Prepared for sticker shock. Prep starts Sunday/Monday. Both daughters are contributing dishes again this year so that helps. I also cut back on pies.
We're planning on shopping tomorrow as well. Prepared for sticker shock. Prep starts Sunday/Monday. Both daughters are contributing dishes again this year so that helps. I also cut back on pies.
I cannot stress enough to people to make or prep ahead as much as possible. And take the turkey out of the bag before Thursday morning. Thanksgiving is suppose to be a celebration not a medical emergency.
Thanksgiving at my Grandmother's was always a huge affair. 8 to 10 children under 10, 8 adults plus always 2 or 3 extra invites. It was great fun. I was one of the younger under 10's, so of course it was great!
But I do remember once my older brother and cousin getting into fisticuffs behind the divan and knocking over a floor lamp. :D

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