Golden Syrup beats Treacle any day

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Jun 21, 2005
weird font thing.. TreaCle looks like TreaDe!


Black treaCle is not exactly the same thing as Molasses, but close enough.

I tell ya, the BOMB is Lyle's Golden Syrup!

Raw, it tastes vaguely like a Sugar Daddy taffy bar. I use it in BBQ all the time. Corn Syrup is what we usually use to replace it in recipes cuz corn syrup is cheaper, but the two flavors are comepletely different from one another. It's like that one bottling plant in texas that still uses Cane Syrup in mamking Dr. Pepper and as a result, ships out cases of their product all over the country to Dr. pepper Die-hards.

Once you've tased Golden Syrup - you'll turn your nose at at Corn Syrup for the rest of your life!

It's also not as bad for you in terms of Insulin response.

Lyle's Golden Syrup can be purchases online or at most Irish Import shops.

I highly recommend Golden Syrup for BBQ beans and any other BBQ that calls for sticky sweet stuff.

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