Ground Beef Stinks

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
That's social mouth noises. Pure silence is different. Pathological. I'd get away from somebody who refused to interact at all. I guess you did.

He just didn't need any interaction in that way.
Yes I did get away. But it's not all bad news, I had three very talkative boys. The youngest doesn't talk much now but when he was little, he just never stopped. And that's the good news.

About the hamburger--I wish there was a pink slime test I could do--to see what I've got here. I still have 3 lbs of walmart hamburger I'd like to test too.
There is no pink slime test. Pink slime is just disgusting parts of underutilized beef byproducts. It's still beef. Any test that tests for beef would test positive. AFAIK there is no test that could test for presence of "pink slime." It's not illegal, it's not regulated, it's just disgusting.
Hi, how are you?
Fine, and you?
I'm fine too.

Glad to know that. :LOL::LOL:

Sorry I was so off topic in my last post or so--but it does fit under the part of the title regarding 'stinks'. :LOL:

Thanks for the info on the beef byproducts and the lack of testing information.
The only way I can think of to test your burger meat is to take a steak or other piece of whole meat and compare it to the burger for color. Turn the burger over and use the bottom to make the comparison. The blood from the meat if it is pure, will make the burger darker as it drains to the bottom. Also, with pink slime there won't be as much blood as you would get in pure beef. If the burger is much lighter, I would say that you have pink slime. Also look inside the burger. Just compare it with a good piece of beef that hasn't been ground.

Anyone have any other ideas on how she can tell?

Saying that sound like you has a horrible disease.
addie and bliss, why in the world did you marry guys like that? were they different at first, then completely changed?
addie and bliss, why in the world did you marry guys like that? were they different at first, then completely changed?
I was young and stupid.
Yes he was communicating normally until after the 2 year romance leading to our marriage.
addie and bliss, why in the world did you marry guys like that? were they different at first, then completely changed?

I was 17. What the heck did I know. He wasn't like that when we were dating. And during the first year it was all right. Then he got injured really bad on the job. That is when he changed. He was in a lot of pain for three months. Then as he started to get better, that is when he just had nothing to say. I was having a bad pregnancy and we fell into a pattern and it never changed.
i'm sorry, that sucks for both of you. i guess it's the luck of the draw whether you grow together or apart.
Addie--I felt bad for him that he didn't talk too. There were so many silent years.

Ummm:LOL::LOL::LOL:.......we already had 2 lbs that were a sample they gave us, and then some more hamburger and macaroni with sauce. It was good. Still I worry if they ground up just about anything.

About a person not talking. What I mean is that he did not talk. Actually, no, he didn't make any noises. I'd say during dinner, 'would you like ketchup with that?', we'd stare at his mouth, it never moved, so I'd repeat the question and he'd say nothing, and not take any ketchup. It was tiring after the first 10 years, it was lonely. I don't know much about what he did for a living, never met any of his friends, if he had any. He never reported to me if he was not coming home--but I'd check with the hospitals and my parents would drive through snow to check to see if he was broken down on the road. (because I was home with the three boys) I'd tell him about our day's events, and he gave me no feed-back. It was just bizarre and lonely.
About not talking--I rode along with another teacher to a seminar we were both attending. It was 40-50 miles away. She was really quiet, but I would talk and ask questions now and then and she would give a very short response. I figured she didn't like me. On the way back I decided that I was going to be quiet and let her say the first word. We rode the whole way back in complete silence. I found out later that her parents were the same way. The three of them lived together and didn't speak. I'm sure there had to be a word here and there, but pretty much just silence. That would drive me crazy! And I have no idea how she managed teaching 5th grade!
I am not sure how much "luck" is involved, as far as I have learned, that is the ONLY way relationships seem to go.

Addie, so sorry, love. Tough spot. . .

Then you meet total aberrations, mutations like Shrek and I who only get closer as time goes by...of course if I quit cooking the weight would go down and we'd get farther apart...:ROFLMAO:
About not talking--I rode along with another teacher to a seminar we were both attending. It was 40-50 miles away. She was really quiet, but I would talk and ask questions now and then and she would give a very short response. I figured she didn't like me.

That is how I felt too--like I wasn't worth talking with.
It turns out that we are all on a spectrum of interaction and communication. Some of us are extroverts some are introverts and some are both. One is not better than the other, they both have their own gifts.

To summarize my post below: blau blau blau-hamburger-experiment.

With my ex, he was born 2nd and his brother was handicapped and the handicapped son got all the attention. His parents needed a quiet child, so he was nurtured this way.

So, some of it is nature and some of it is nurture.

In addition to that, it was a power and control issue. I was like the puppy wagging it's tail looking for some interaction from him. Ready to love and entertain him for years upon end. He was the silent partner. Since he could communicate, as he did in the beginning and he could communicate with horrible nasty things at the end--he had the ability, he just wasn't motivated to communicate.

I personally don't think people 'have' to grow apart if both people are willing to keep trying to communicate and do some things together--go towards some common goals and care for each other. Even sometimes if only one person will keep caring for the other person, to help them feel appreciated and loved, it can turn things around and they can fall in love (a deeper kind of love) all over again.

Addie--I'm sorry this happened to you. Sometimes pain takes it's toll and it's like in the movie umm I think it is Michael (the angel-travolta) there are only a limited number of battles a person can have on this earth (scene-bull vs angel). It's like the heart can only take so much.

And Addie--you have a good idea. I'll open the two kinds of hamburger in a little while and take pictures comparing the walmart package with the butcher package of hamburger. I'll look at the grind of it, the color of it, and the blood content.
I wanted to make burgers to refreeze for future use, so it will be a useful experiment.
I am not sure how much "luck" is involved, as far as I have learned, that is the ONLY way relationships seem to go.

Addie, so sorry, love. Tough spot. . .

Thank you Tat. I have outlived two husbands. But in exchange, I have a lot of very good friends that I treasure. Both husbands were alcoholics. But neither one was violent and both were very much afraid of me. The first one I would tell him I want a divorce and he would just quit drinking for about six months or so. The second one went to AA, but it was harder for him to stay sober. He died of cancer. The first one died of Alzheimer's. It was a long slow death. Son #1 still has his ashes. Sometimes he keeps them in his work truck. They are on the seat next to him. If he is picking up someone, he tells them not to sit on his father. There are some people who won't ride in his truck. He was supossed to bring the ashes to the Britich Embassy in Boston years ago to be sent back to England to be scattered. The kids tell me that I am going to spend eternity with him. They are going to mix our ashes together. :ohmy:
Finally, here is the picture of walmart ground beef on the left and butcher ground beef on the right. Pink slime, who knows.


  • wbreadygroundbeefwalmartvsbutcher.JPG
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I buy my ground beef from Omaha Steaks and I have never had a problem with it. If I do have a problem with anything I buy from them, even if the problem is I just didn't like it, I send them an email and they charge back the price, plus shipping, to my credit card.
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