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Pigs On The Wing BBQ

Master Chef
Apr 29, 2005
Akron New York
This is for you Larry. :LOL:
I feel sorry for whoever buys that chair. Where's the pic of you cooking the case of turkey legs??
So it's a fucking store and there's nobody else there? That's the same pic you originally posted. Just tell the truth and I won't put Wolfenaisse in your Duke's I'm sending you.
Pigs On The Wing BBQ said:
Can't take a pic, when taking a pic.

Yes you can. You can't be in a picture when your taking a picture but you can take a picture when taking a picture. And if you read the instructions that came with the camera, it would tell you how to do it. Maybe you can find a video on you tube showing how it's done!
Dang Pigs that is a long fat middle finger. Too bad you didnt grow up to be a proctologist or whutever. Bet you could make them fat boys squeal just like Ned Beatty in the Burt Reynolds movie. You coulda prob made a great pianist too...now it may take long skinny fingers on that deal. Not quite sure.
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