Help With Fixing A Throw Rug Please

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon

This is an inexpensive area rug that I got a Home Depot for not alot of money, but they no longer carry this particular one that I so love.
Does anyone have ideas on how to repair this frayed edge?
A crochet hook works well pulling that strand back into the edging. Go one or two loops ahead, pushing the hook back to where the loose piece is. Grab the thread with the hook, hang on the the end of the strand to keep tension and pull the hook out, bringing the strand with it. You could do it again if you felt the need. Don't think you would really need the glue but you should be able to tell. Cut off the straggling strand.

If you don't have a crochet hook I'm pretty sure one of your neighbours must!
Ask at your next Gal Pal get together!
A crochet hook works well pulling that strand back into the edging. Go one or two loops ahead, pushing the hook back to where the loose piece is. Grab the thread with the hook, hang on the the end of the strand to keep tension and pull the hook out, bringing the strand with it. You could do it again if you felt the need. Don't think you would really need the glue but you should be able to tell. Cut off the straggling strand.

If you don't have a crochet hook I'm pretty sure one of your neighbours must!
Ask at your next Gal Pal get together!
D'oh! :doh: Why didn't I think of a crochet hook? It's what I would do.

Genius @dragnlaw and @taxlady
I went to Walmart today, bought a small crochet hook, as to fit into the remaining stable loops.
I pulled one strand (there's two) at a time through, secured them, tied them off well and clipped off the excess.
This cost me all of a dollar, whereas DH said, ":poop: just go buy a new rug! What does that cost? like$15?"
NO! I really like this rug and they no longer carry it!
Thanks guys!!!
View attachment 66875
Genius @dragnlaw and @taxlady
I went to Walmart today, bought a small crochet hook, as to fit into the remaining stable loops.
I pulled one strand (there's two) at a time through, secured them, tied them off well and clipped off the excess.
This cost me all of a dollar, whereas DH said, ":poop: just go buy a new rug! What does that cost? like$15?"
NO! I really like this rug and they no longer carry it!
Thanks guys!!!
Well done, madam!
I think you're right - glue would have eventually come 'off'.
But don't think you really needed to tie a knot, just pulling it along as far as possible inside the edging would have been good enough so that it isn't "teased" loose again. As long as the knot doesn't catch on anything - you are not going to see it again! Woo Hoo!
Well, at least not in that spot. Don't lose the hook! LOL.

Other goodies:-
I also have a hook for doing rugs. Has a little flipper that closes and when you pull it back through, it (the hook) doesn't catch on anything, Handy thing!

Have a needle (no eye), about 2" long, with rough like diamond dust opposite the sharp point. Specifically for catching and pulling threads back in that have been "pulled" out.
I have 2 sweaters with a very loose knit - get caught on everything - keys, purse link hook, you name it, I carry this little puppy in my purse.
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