How Not to Fertilize Your Garden.

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Washing Up
Jul 12, 2010
Yesterday I was cleaning out my freezer and found an elderly package of raw fish that someone had given us but we never ate. It had freezer burn and didn't smell fresh.

Hey, fish is just loaded with phosphorus, isn't it? Our soil is low in phosphorus and it is an ongoing problem. So I buried it in the garden near the potatoes, dropped some dill seeds on top, and away we go.

Well, about an hour ago I went into the garden and yes, there's a happy little skunk digging into the buried fish. Right down the row.

Went & got the old-fashioned, non-digital camera and Mr. or Mrs. Skunk has now been captured for eternity on celluloid.
you have to put it 3 feet deep or deeper to keep the critters of a dead body. umm, i mean unused meat or guts. :cool:

you also should have added some lime.

don't ask.

the first ruler of living in jersey is that people should only be interested in things that concern them.

the new jersey legislature is moving to ban the children's book "curious george".
what's he so freakin' curious about? why does the man wear such a loud hat?

not good. :glare:
Bucky, it is a fish - shouldn't you use lemon instead of lime?:whistling

DaisyMae, would love to see that picture when you get it developed....if you are willing to share! :)
We would have to go to the cyber cafe to scan it to discusscooking, and sure, I would like to do that.
Oh how horrible! And how horribly funny! I would love to see the picture too! (I have to admit, I love skunks!).

Yes, probably that's the reason. But how the heck could that little stinker smell it when it was buried a foot deep?

When meat/fish rots, it gives off gases. These gases rise up through the soil and dissipate in the air where critters smell the gas and follow it to the source. MMMMM, rotting fish!
really, kidding aside, you need to go about three feet plus. at least a foot or more into a layer of clay. deeper for sand.

my pal ozzy's ol' dog, a chow chow, could always smell where we buried the guts from fish, deer, or pigs even at that depth.

i guess there's something to be said for 6 feet under.
Oh how horrible! And how horribly funny! I would love to see the picture too! (I have to admit, I love skunks!).


I have nothing against skunks. People think they are rabid because they don't run away when they see people. The reason they don't run away is that they have poor eyesight. Very poor. The skunk digging the fish up in my garden looked up when I made a racket to encourage him to leave, but it's like he didn't see anything and just kept on with his job.
Skunks are good guys. They eat mice, just for starters.

Some years ago I hadn't closed the door to the hen house when I should have, and in I walked late at night to see a skunk happily eating out of the hens' dish. He took his time leaving, too. The hens just sat on their roost looking at him and everything was cool.

I hope to develop the two pictures I snapped in due course.
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