I am very interested in the psychology ...

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lol yikes.. maybe i'm still worse than I think..

The only veggies I like are potatoes (any kind,shape,or form!) corn, and Olives (is that a veggie or a fruit?)

The only fruit I like is Apples and Grapes...:ermm:sometimes kiwi if it's not too sour..

And I take everything off of my hamburger except for the cheese and ketchup!!! (no lettuce, pickle, tomatoe,etc. either...):ohmy:

Since there are dozens, if not hundreds, of fruits and veggies out there, yeah, I'd say that's pretty picky ;) You know that potatoes and corn are starches and not really veggies, right? :-p I hope you're taking a daily multivitamin.

I find it interesting that you like olives (they're a fruit), since they have a pretty strong flavor.
I know Dr. Phil did a show on Anarexia/Bulemia. He stated that it's more a psycological control issue that a weight issue. The victim has a control hangup, and they've focused their attention onto what goes into their body. At least, that's the one eppy that I saw.
OK, if you want psychology, I will admit to a very strong fear of heights. i will not get near a bluff. The idea of getting a couple of feet off terra firma creates a visceral reaction in me.

It makes no sense, but it is real to me.

But I fly on airplanes without a second thought. Go figure.

As for food, I do not like boiled eggs and bananas.

Love eggs any way but boiled. My mom used to try to give us boiled eggs as kids and blech, blech, a thousand times blech. This I do not think was a reaction to my mom, I just could not abide the horrible things. Mom was great.

I will make boiled eggs and do a pretty decent deviled egg if I do say so. And find the yolk to be OK. It is just the nasty whites I cannot stand. Yeah, it is probably for some reason within my psyche but it is cheaper for me to not eat the buggers than to go to a shrink.

For those with a psychological bent, and I am absolutely sure some could come up with a theory here, I cannot stand bananas. Even the smell turns me off. Have taken the rinds out of my basket at work and moved them.

Now that you all have a theory, I gotta tell you, I love plantains. Give me a Cuban meal with plantains and you have one happy camper. So it ain't the shape of the buggers, it is the smell.

Those are my two don't eats. Oh yes, and brains. But I have seen too many human ones raw and just cannot get the idea of eating one into my mind. I do eat other organ meats however. I am sure that is significant.

I hope you are taking all of this down.

I have other food foibles. Cauliflower, great raw. Cooked, I will pass. Do love other cruciferous veggies, but prefer to shred my Brussel sprouts and saute them rather than eating the boiled orbs. But whole they are not bad.

Probably something to do with my trauma in the first grade, which I hated.

Sorry, I am not poo pooing the idea that food adversions are part of our psychological make up. I have a number of folks in my family who I know their choice of foods is part of their brain wireing.

One brother will not eat meat that he has seen his wife (a great woman) cooking. It turns him off to see his food touched. His meat must be on the cremated side of well done. They will spend good money for a fine piece of cow and then make it inedible.

But he is a rigid person.

Don't know enough about psychology, but think the poster has an idea there.

But don't ever ask me about my love for sliders, some things are too personal
Sorry, I am not poo pooing the idea that food adversions are part of our psychological make up. I have a number of folks in my family who I know their choice of foods is part of their brain wireing.

Remember that the OP asked specifically about "extremely picky eaters." I think just about everyone has some foods they really don't like. But when a person can list on one hand the fruits and the other hand the veggies they will eat, I think that qualifies as extreme.

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