I just can't bring myself around to eating seafood

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Assistant Cook
Jul 5, 2007
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
Well I am sorry I know some of you are shocked and horred by this statement (said with fun) but I can't bring myself around to eating seafood of anyshape or form (not including plat forms of food like seaweed). I life in Alaska, I see my friends and family and every other person who visits here eatting fish etc. I just can't do it.

I started my life as a veggi only but in my teens I started eatting meat with not to many problems except even way back then I could not stand the looks, smell, and some times taste of seafood.

I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone who like to eat seafood. Only time that even might become an issue for me is if they eat the meat of creatures in danger of becoming lost for ever.

I have eatten lots of other kinds of odd thing (odd for the general public of the USA). Like gator or squid and a few others including moose and raindeer (sorry Santa! But it was over 3 years ago so you can't count that for this year! Sorry if you knew him, I had no idea!)

Although I have to say that I find it odd for me because I like my meats to be prepared for me in a fine package of sorts with no bones and only the meat from the animal.

Well, I am sure the answer is in that some where but thought I would just say this stupid fact about me with out any real reasons besides getting in some chatting in.

Best wishes

Kevin in Alaska
Hi Kevin, most of us have certain foods we shun for various reasons.

Think it is unfortunate when the list of forbidden fruit becomes so extensive that they basically are missing one of life's greatest pleasures.

For example, have a bil who will eat nothing he was exposed to after the age of five.

And he was not raised with sea urchin gonads and sweetbreads but rather just regular old meat and potatoes, and the meat better be beef. His pizza choice: cheese, not double cheese, just cheese period. Veggies are to be served plain, don't get fancy and mix a couple together. Gravy, simple beef gravy, if for mashed taters only. And don't even think about adding onions in any form to anything. You get the idea.

Sounds like you are willing to try many items, great. I always feel there is some reason another person likes a food and I should give it a fair shot. Just don't put in bananas, for some reason I have a visceral dislike even for the smell of the things.

By the way, squid is a seafood. And for people who live along the coasts it is not very unusual at all. Although we usually call it calamari. Maybe you tolerate it because it is quite bland tasting, the reason why I usually opt for another sea critter to eat.

Anyway glad to have you here at DC.
auntdot said:
Maybe you tolerate it because it is quite bland tasting, the reason why I usually opt for another sea critter to eat.

NO NO NO!!! you did the thing you shouldn't... call it a critter! heh... give it personality and that used to be an idea about eatting meat I had when I was younger. I would think of it in terms of intellegence etc.

Okay okay... I have still done it even at the age I am now (cough cough!! 37 cough cough!!) err... excuse me. but it is rare though. I think I have for the most part deeply embedded that way of thinking inside me. I creeps out now and then.

heh... But I agree with your way of thinkings. well enough of it if I were being graded on it it would be in the 90 percent mark or higher and thats considered an A right! :angel:


Kevin in Alaska

My wife does not like sea food eitheer, she just doesn't like the texture. They can also look rather wierd which puts some people off.
Seafood is one of the greatest eating pleasures there is. I hope so day that you are able to overcome whatever it is that is keeping you from being able to try some things. You are missing out on some amazing food that happens to be extremely good for you as well.
My dad grew up on a farm in Iowa, and he didn't like seafood or fish of any kind. He didn't like chicken either, because it was his job to singe the feathers off the chickens after his mother killed them, and he said that was a smell he could never forget.
I wouldn't worry about it, Kevin. There are enough wonderful things to eat in the world and it seems as though you've already had experience with many unusual food items. Perhaps in time your tastes will change. They do, you know.

For many years I couldn't bring myself to eat asparagus, but now I really enjoy it. Don't know what happened or what "switch" was thrown in my brain, but asparagus is now part of my eating list.

Most of her life, our daughter didn't care for any seafood, save canned tuna, but over the last several years she's begun to enjoy shelled seafood. She'll be 35 this year so, you see, age really doesn't matter when it comes to tastes changing/evolving.

Have fun with what you are eating. Who knows what will surprise you in the future?!
There are all kinds of reasons people have food phobias. And there are also just plain and simple differences in how we taste. My mom made sure we kids had exposure to all kinds of food at home and in restaurants. Some of my earliest food loves were for strong flavors like clams shrimp lamb and blue cheese. To this day I still love them. What did not interest me was cake or fruit pie. Too sweet, too sticky. I love fruit; just don't muck it up by cooking it! So here I am a perfectly rational person not caring for apple pie no matter who makes it. I can eat it. I will not get sick. But I'd much rather just have some cheese please. The perfect peach, sweet juicy and tangy melt in your mouth fruit. Nothing better in summer. But preserves, or pie or cobbler...no thanks. I do like chocolate, but the darker the better...less sweet, more savory.

Will all this change? Hasn't for half a century, but who knows?? My interest and enjoyment of dark green and leafy veggies has certainly increased. We each have our unique tasters.
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Robo, we too much prefer savory to sweet.

Gosh, we almost never have sweets about and will essentially never eat dessert.

But when there is a good one, and I feel like it, I will enjoy it thoroughly.

Go figure.
Alaska is one of the great seafood capitals. You're missing out on more than you'll ever imagine if you don't get some gumption & at least try a few things, especially since I don't think you really have a handle on what you like/don't like. Saying that you don't like any "seafood" is ridiculous after stating that you do like squid. Squid IS seafood. Period. And if you enjoy squid, there are unbelievable numbers of other similar-tasting seafood that you'd also enjoy if you would just try them.

I grew up in a household where we were never forced to eat anything we didn't like. However, we DID have to taste everything we were offered before making that decision. We weren't allowed to decide not to eat something simply due to looks or smell. If, after a taste, we still didn't like it, we didn't have to eat it. To this very day I commend my parents for instituting this rule. It laid a wonderful groundwork for enjoyable eating & cooking.

Get out there & experiment Kevin!! Tasting something & not liking it isn't going to kill you, & you just might find out that you don't hate "all" seafood after all.
BreezyCooking said:
Saying that you don't like any "seafood" is ridiculous after stating that you do like squid.
Breezy, you may want to read his post again. He never said he did not like seafood. What he said is that he can't bring himself to eat it. There is a VERY big difference between the two.

What I got from his post is that he is against eating animals from a moral standpoint, not from a taste standpoint. It sounds like he has overcome that on some level, but can not overcome it for seafood (save for squid).

I too think Kevin is missing out on some very amazing things, but from a moral standpoint I can't argue with him. Each person needs to decide for themselves what is right for them. For me, I have no problem eating animals. For those that do have an issue with it and want to only eat what they are comfortable with then more power to them!
Since you ARE an adult you have two choices - work very slowly to get over whatever phobia/fear you have and try it or just don't eat it. A lot of people have a fear of the unknown - ESPECIALLY when it comes to food. Remember, other people have eaten whatever it is you fear and survived (well, except that one guy..........JUST KIDDING). I have a friend who is very sensitive to the smells of seafood and she just cannot eat it. If it is some sort of fear/phobia you really are missing out on some great food and I suggest you take tiny steps and start trying things. If you've eaten gator, reindeer, squid, etc. all you just said is invalid :LOL: and you are just doing yourself an injustice by pinning this fear on seafood! Unless you were once a chew-toy for a whale then seafood has never done anything to you to make you fear it :LOL:
Vegetarians eat life forms that can neither call for help or run away.

(However, some of them can fight back...onions use chemical warfare for example. And artichokes are armour plated!)

As you can eat meat which has no appearance of the animal, how about fish prepared likewise, say a salmon filet or halibut filet...a nice square of fish, no bone or life shape about it?? Just wondering.
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Well I am sorry I know some of you are shocked and horred by this statement (said with fun) but I can't bring myself around to eating seafood of anyshape or form (not including plat forms of food like seaweed). I life in Alaska, I see my friends and family and every other person who visits here eatting fish etc. I just can't do it.

I started my life as a veggi only but in my teens I started eatting meat with not to many problems except even way back then I could not stand the looks, smell, and some times taste of seafood.

I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone who like to eat seafood. Only time that even might become an issue for me is if they eat the meat of creatures in danger of becoming lost for ever.

I have eatten lots of other kinds of odd thing (odd for the general public of the USA). Like gator or squid and a few others including moose and raindeer (sorry Santa! But it was over 3 years ago so you can't count that for this year! Sorry if you knew him, I had no idea!)

Although I have to say that I find it odd for me because I like my meats to be prepared for me in a fine package of sorts with no bones and only the meat from the animal.

Well, I am sure the answer is in that some where but thought I would just say this stupid fact about me with out any real reasons besides getting in some chatting in.

Best wishes

Kevin in Alaska

GB - where in the above did you "get" that Kevin didn't want to eat seafood because of "moral" issues???? Please explain.

At no point in Kevin's post did he mention a moral issue, except for consuming seafoods that are becoming endangered. I think we all agree with that point. And he does mention enjoying squid, which, I think you'll agree, is a "sea food".

Kevin's problem seems to be his reluctance to try different types of seafood - nothing morally motivated.

I think you're the one who needs to reread Kevin's post.

Edited to add: And for further information, squid supplies are quickly being depleted. Used to be that nearly every fish market had fresh squid for sale. No more. In fact, around here at least, you're lucky to even find it frozen. While squid started out as being sold as a bait fish, now that it's caught on as a restaurant favorite, it's quickly becoming a hot commodity & difficult to find in many places. So I really don't think Kevin is "enjoying" squid because it's so plentiful. I think he just likes it, & if so, there's a lot more "sea food" out there that he'd probably like as well if he'd just take a chance.
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his second post after aunt dot's ...NO NO NO you did the thing you shouldn't, call it a critter, give it a personality. (almost a quote.) than he says above in next to last paragraph how he likes meat prepared so it is without bone or shape of the original etc. It is a reasonable assumption although Kev also states taste smell etc, but all that could be part of the sea animal issue and seein git in a fresh state. We don't know where in alaska he lives. On the coast or quite aways inland. Makes a difference.
Breezy, I interpreted what he said about being a veggie and not eating anything that resembled an animal as being a moral issue. Also the following...

KevInAlaska said:
NO NO NO!!! you did the thing you shouldn't... call it a critter! heh... give it personality and that used to be an idea about eatting meat I had when I was younger. I would think of it in terms of intellegence etc.

While he does not come out and say it is for moral reasons, that is what I gleamed from his statements. I NEVER said that this is what he said. What i said was that what I got from his posts etc. I could have misinterpreted what he said, but I never said he actually said that.

So I have explained my statements. Where did you get what YOU said?
In my younger years I despised fish, for probably a few bad experiences with fish sticks or when my parents ordered fish sandwhiches from this pizza place. I didnt like the smell.

I always have loved shrimp and scallops, but I am particular in not having "legs" on my shrimp, otherwise I cant do it because i despise removing those creepy little appendages.

As I age I enjoy more and more types of fish, I can now say I am becoming a huge seafood fan. I had SeaBass at a fancy resteraunt the other day (shared with a friend) and it was an amazing meal.
I am a late convert to fish. Shellfish and such have always been fine,
but fish... ewwww.
A couple years back I realized that FISH always meant "battered and
fried", probably catfish, flounder or sunfish.

So, I started trying real fish. Salmon, tuna, bass, trout, Tilapia.
Fish isn't bad at all. :)

But I still won't eat eggplant. ;)

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