I need your prayers again.

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
I mentioned my nieces tests being positive on her pap. Well, my sister just called and told me that she has cervical cancer. I don't know what to do now. She is 34 with 3 young kids. All I know so far is that she will have to have surgery and then chemo after. Why do things like this happen to good people??
Prayers coming TG. Hopefully they caught it early and they will be able to completely eradicate it. HUG!
I am so sorry to hear that horrible news. But the progress they have made in treatment is very promising.
As for why do things happen to good people, You would have to speak to a much higher power than those of us here. But if you find the answer to that question, let me in on it because I have wondered that for years.
I'm praying that it has been caught in time and surgery and a little chemo is all it will take. She is VERY good at going annually and this is the first one that has come back positve on the squamus cell and HPV.
texas girl, i asked my mom the same question. why do things like this happen to good people. she told me this. "God gives us trials to help build our character." i asked my mom why god lets innocent children starve. she told me that maybe god does that to see what humanity is going to do. to see if humanity will actually do something about the problem or see if humanity will give up and say " well god, this is your doing not ours so you fix it." maybe he wants to see how much effort and faith we are going to put forth to make it work for the best. I do feel for her. I know how you feel. i have to watch my mom surfer with a terminal illness that cant be cured and she is not getting better. It takes courage and alot of emotional support from every one to help get through these tough times. Be grateful for the modern medical technology we have that can help with the situation. I know i am. lol.. well best of luck and ill pray for you and your family to have strength and comfort.. vest of luck
I am praying for your niece also. Hopefully you will hear good news soon.

A health hint for the ladies--don't use powders with talc in them (on babies either), as it has been shown to cause cervical cancer. Plain old corn starch makes a great powder (that is what I used for baby powder when my daughter was a baby).

Our prayers are with you and your daughter. Today surgery cures so many.

If I may say, all women should get regular PAP smears. Since the introduction of the technique the rate of cervical cancer has plummeted since the early changes are caught early in the dysplasia (pre-cancer changes) to cancer sequence.

The new vaccine sounds very promising. It immunizes against the most common forms of virus that cause the cancer (yep, cervical cancer is caused by a virus). The idea of vaccinating young women may prevent many of these cancers in the future.

Sorry for the aside, but I really believe that this is one form of cancer that can be detected in many cases very early.
We don't know

I mentioned my nieces tests being positive on her pap. Well, my sister just called and told me that she has cervical cancer. I don't know what to do now. She is 34 with 3 young kids. All I know so far is that she will have to have surgery and then chemo after. Why do things like this happen to good people??

Maybe you are too young to remember the Naval Chaplain who in the midst of a terrible battle hollered out - "Pray and pass the amunition!" Still holds true. It seems about 2000 years ago a wise individual was asked that same question - the answer, "The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike." That is the best we have.

So we will pray with you and prayers must be given with full faith that they will be granted, as long as we do not tempt the Lord our God.
Seems like we have run into a horrible wall. My niece doesn't have insurance, so, noone will take her. I can't believe this. Is she suppose to lay down and die?
My sister is ready to use all of her paid off credit cards worth hundreds of thousands of credit and will put a mortgage on her house for a loan, but, noone will do it that way. They only want insurance. Are people so money hungry that they would rather drain an insurance company for frivolous things than that get cash for help to stay alive?

I'm sorry, thank you all for your prayers!! It means the world to me.
Omigosh, texasgirl. In the words of another member, "That vacuums."

How bizarre. I can't imagine a provider refusing cold, hard cash. There's something terribly wrong with this picture. There's got to be a piece of the puzzle missing.
:)Sending Prayers.Also a good thing to remember as a young girl I would get many tests saying there was a problem possibly pre cancerous a nurse finally told me to take folic acid I dont remember how much but after that I never had a problem again.So far Im 50 years old now and have not taken it for a long time.I dont know what the folic acid does but it does help younger women get a better test for some reason.

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