I was robbed.

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The Missing Link

Sous Chef
Apr 10, 2005
Some thief came on my apartment porch and stoled my charcoal and lid section of my weber smokey mountion. I called to see what it would cost to replace those two items it's cheaper to buy a new one. :( I steel have the center section the charcoal ring and one crate. I was wondering if I could use a 18in weber kettle grill in place of the missing piece. Till I can get a new one... Has anyone used a kettle and the weber smokey mountion as a combo?

Never owned a WSM but have used the heck out of the Kettle lids for all kinds of exotic applications other than their intended purpose. The yups throw them away like crazy and it usually fairly easy to find one sitting at the curb on trash day in the rich part o town. Lot of times they throw out the whole gizmo but they usually full of greasy charcoal and a little nasty to carry around in the trunk. If it fits on there ok should work fine. Maybe cut down on the headspace a bit but that aint no biggy. If you got a big turkey that dont fit just take out the top rack and dunk it down in there head first then put on the lid.
I don't think it will do the job. A kettle has the flange in the lid, so it overlaps the kettle. A WSM has the flange on the center section, so the lid fits inside the center.
What BW said about cruising the yup neighborhoods on trash day. Also check Craig's list, especially next week after Labor Day passes.
Yes terrible on the theft. To get robbed would require a victim to be in fear of getting sent to heaven early or something similar. Kindly dont make me come down there. Thanks. Yall need to watch COP's more often..:rolleyes:

Cant help you with the equip question, but that sux that you got robbed.
Bigwheel, I haven't seen those before... Do you have one? I would be a little skiddish on the no clips or belt securement deal.
No dont own one but the eldest of the male chillins is a proud owner and he let me experiment with it a bit. Was sort of amazing because whatever that thing is made out of clings to your clothes like velcro. It just sticks where you put it and stays open so you can put the shootin iron right back in it after shooting beer cans or whatever. I was aiming to buy one for my Sig but forgot the brand name and only started hunting when I seen your avator. I sorta lost interest in a spare mag cuz my Crossbred dont have no pouches either. Now can get one down in the smart carry or the fanny packs and if I got the magic biker best I could stick a Tommy Gun down in there. Too hot for that puppy. They say an average gunfight happens at 7 feet and last 15 secs. Thinking if I cant convince them to cease and desist with one clip of 13 .40 cals. might as well give up and beg for mercy..lol. Wheres my shotgun?
I started carrying the cerpa cq more and more... It's owb but still conceals well with an untucked shirt over it... Also got a spare mag holster for weak side carry if I am feeling especially inaccurate. I do use my fake cross breed too when I really need better non-printing... Or the smart carry when I go downtown Cleveland... Better to never print and be ready :)

I might grab one of these fancy boy holsters to see what the hubub is about.
Hey thanks Bryan. It wasnt me on this particular caper. I done donated my car stereo a few years back..plust a window. Hoping that might help Obamie placate his constituents. This happen to another nice fella higher on up in the thread. The dirty dawgs stole his bbq moochine from off the deck. Them suckers are getting brazen huh. Tip I got is let em have it. Look at poor old Georgie Zee. If that deal had of happened in Hardemann County they would have took up a collection and gave him a plaque and two gold inlaid .45 ACP's with mother of pearl grips. It was a situational thing I guess. Go West Young Man..as great great Paw Paw Horace Wheeler Greeley was often heard advising folks around our crib.

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