Idea for a kids' party

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Master Chef
Sep 4, 2004
Galena, IL
I was responding to a line on pizza when I hit on a memory. When we were on the road, living in a small trailer, my sis and family (little boys in single digits) came to visit. I took her to the local grocery and bought loaves of french bread (any kind will do), a jar of red sauce, and various pizza toppings. I sliced the bread horizontally and had everyone top the bread themselves. The boys just loved it. After everyone made their pizza, it went into a hot oven (very much appreciated, at the time we were all camping in Appalacia in the autumn ... actually about this time of year, and we were pretty cold!) for a few minutes. With mugs of cocoa, a hearty red wine (for me!!!) it made a great time for all involved.
I always liked having un-frosted cupcakes and letting the kids decorate and then eat their own. Sugar cookies work, too.

Pancakes breakfasts with fresh fruit and whipped cream in a can.

But, I do love the pizza idea!
or if you want to get really fancy use toritllas or pita for the crust and that way everyone can have their own mini pie
thanks for the fond memory, claire. :flowers:

my mom always helped us make ours pizzas on english muffins. well suited to little hands.

my little guy makes his own "crabby patties" sometimes when dw cooks. he grabs some of the ingredients she's using (pre-cooked or not requiring cooking), mixes them up into what they call machie-pachie, then puts it on a burger roll and squishes it together.

the worst part is he forces us to taste it as he beams with pride. :(
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