Master Chef
Wow was my Santa good or what? I am really anxious to try the Pinquitos ... I wonder how Santa knew I had never tried these and really wanted to? Thank you very much Santa, I'll be anxious to try it all.
bigwheel said:Dang hard to imagine that old fat boy manage to wiggle all that down your chimney. Congrats. Kindly tell us whut is an Olliellollyberry and why would a person want some? Do it taste anything like chicken? Thanks.
Smokey Lew said:Holy crap Buzz. What a haul. The pinquitos beans are great but you better get yourself a supply of Bino before you down them.
bigwheel said:Dang hard to imagine that old fat boy manage to wiggle all that down your chimney. Congrats. Kindly tell us whut is an Olliellollyberry and why would a person want some? Do it taste anything like chicken? Thanks.
bigwheel said:Well know I will keep my eyes peeled on trying to find some. Thanks for the tip. Now on the beans just lay them out on the counter and roll over them real hard with a rolling pin prior to cooking. That will squeeze all the gas out of em supposedly.