ISO Soda Siphon Advice

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Admiral of the Texas Navy
Moderator Emeritus
Jul 26, 2010
Republic of Texas
Recently I cam across a ISI Soda Siphon for a song. On occasion one finds the need for fizzy water when tending bar for friends and family.

I have the instructions, chargers, and mechanically it's working properly. No leaks. Fizzy water comes out but the bubbles in the glass only last for a few seconds. I'm storing it in the fridge so it's cold as the manufacturer suggests.

There can be no doubt that the container is pressurized water squirts out when you press the lever.

What are the secrets to making this work right? Longer lasting bubbles for fizzy drinks. Scotch and soda that's completely flat in 5 seconds is kind of pointless.

Is there something I can put in the bottle with the water? 1/4 teaspoon salt maybe? Have you ever tried one of the contraptions? What was your experience with it?

I don't know, but when you get it working, give me a call! What kind of scotch do you pour? :LOL:
You're on. For mixing a blended scotch is best. I generally keep a blended scotch like Teachers or Famous Grouse for mixing. I'm partial to single malts for sipping "neat". Laphroaig is a favorite single malt.

You might consider talking to a beverage dispenser repairman from a nearby bottling house (Pepsi or Coke distributor). They could probably give you some advice on what to look for. Repairmen are generally a friendly lot and good P.R. would be to their benefit in helping you.
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