Sous Chef
This has nothing to do with cooking, but I can't go on Facebook, because my boyfriend, who I want to talk about, would see it. So I like to drink, and my boyfriend doesn't. He refuses to go out with me, so every month or so I go out without him, and since I'm by myself, I'm left to fend for myself for rides or whatever. Several months ago I wasn't ok to drive and I couldn't find a ride so I stayed on a (male) friend's couch. My boyfriend got very angry, but supposedly forgave me. He has brought it up randomly about once a month since then, so he obviously doesn't want to let me forget about it. For the first time in a year, it's made me wonder if maybe I would be better off single. Forgiveness is really important to me. I wonder how he would react if I brought up something dumb he did a long time ago every month or so. I just need to talk to someone about it. Little help?