Kitchen Pet Peeves

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I actually have the whole weeks meals planned in my head in advance ( She doesnt know that). I just give give. her the courtesy of selecting what she wants, adjust sub that one in.
Not on the level of the previous posts, but if you want to make me angry, ignore my request to STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN! I hate trying to avoid wandering people while I am mixing, carrying hot items, and just trying to move around my kitchen.
What is so hard to understand about GO SIT DOWN, AND STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!
My kitchen is really pretty small. L-shaped. It seems larger because the house is "open floor plan" or Greatroom, if you will. There's a large-ish island that forms the L-shape of the kitchen. But, the kitchen is a one-butt kitchen! For reasons unknown, MIL insists on walking thru the kitchen side of that island, even when I'm cooking. I'm guessing that she thinks it is fewer steps to go thru the kitchen, but it really is NOT. Often, I will open the pull-out pantry drawer and the opposing trash drawer...this kind of closes off the end of the kitchen. It is meant to discourage folks from walking thru. Most get it, MIL just turns and side-steps thru the small opening and still walks thru the kitchen. Sigh.

She did make a note in this year's birthday card to me, "Thanks for putting up with me." Then, DH asked her how she like the homemade Chicken Soup? She said, "It is good, but it could use more carrots."
When someone ( my wife) puts something in the oven for the exact time listed in the recipe, sets the timer and then walks away (never checking on it until the time goes off) and finds it to be over cooker or burnt when the timer goes off. Then, does the same thing the next time she makes something (even the same recipe and wonders again why it is burnt after being told she should check it the last 5 minutes or so to avoid this from happening again.

I understand she doesnt enjoy cooking, and its my thing not hers. I also understand following a recipe exactly, especially when you're not the greatest cook or dont have cooking know how. I just dont understand how a mistake could be repeated over and over again with no effort to change how you approach it to make things right. My theory is she does this on purpose so I wont ever ask her to cook again lol.
HA HA Took you long enough to figure that out.
I forget how many years it has been, but I HAD to turn the kitchen and the whole house over to DH (health reason, enough said). I had always been the one in charge of everything. DH has been doing a great job. There are things that have changed and I have learned to live with them. But...........there are a few things going on in the kitchen that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about. One of them is the spice cabinet. About once a year I will ask DH to bring the spice turn tables out to me and we will go through them and dump out of date ones in a big jar (that's another thread lol) and also make sure they are in alphabetical order. There are a few other things, but bless his heart, he has been doing a real great job of taking care of us and the house, who cares.
I forget how many years it has been, but I HAD to turn the kitchen and the whole house over to DH (health reason, enough said). I had always been the one in charge of everything. DH has been doing a great job. There are things that have changed and I have learned to live with them. But...........there are a few things going on in the kitchen that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about. One of them is the spice cabinet. About once a year I will ask DH to bring the spice turn tables out to me and we will go through them and dump out of date ones in a big jar (that's another thread lol) and also make sure they are in alphabetical order. There are a few other things, but bless his heart, he has been doing a real great job of taking care of us and the house, who cares.
I keep my spices grouped by season and a cabinet for each season. If we run short of a seasoning ... put it on the grocery list. Never go looking!
The bottom shelf on the door of the fridge was not clean, so I cleaned it and below it and above it and then washed all the jars.
When I showed mr bliss it was clean he starts saying he doesn't get stuff on the shelves. I said, I know, it's just people that are a little careless and then the jars and shelf need cleaning. He says, well I do try to be careful. I say, I didn't say YOU made the mess, I said PEOPLE made the mess. He says, oh good, then it's just us three PEOPLE that make the mess. lol
We have most of our fun conversations in the kitchen and our stupidest ones too.
Peeve: With the best of intentions, I'm sure...people decide to start the dishwasher, but rearrange things first...putting the "top shelf only" things on the bottom and thereby turning them into trash. Sigh.
When someone ( my wife) decides to do something (empty the dishwasher, take a phone call, feed the cats ...) at the exact time dinner is ready. The delay itself is not the issue, its that it took time and skill to get everything to be ready at the same time, just for it to get over done or cold while waiting for her to complete her tasks. I usually state when it will be ready when I start, and give a 5 - 10 minute warning when its getting close. doesnt help.
Just a follow up pic. She got an extra one just in case ( probably the one with the blemish on it, but I didnt say anything ).


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My wife will not cook if I watch. I cannot help myself and she knows it. So I try my best to stay away from the kitchen until she is done.
She has become more receptive to new ideas. And sometimes will ask for my help.
She grew up in a home where cooking was not taken seriously at all. And many of the technique's were very flawed.
I still remember my SIL asking what a fresh garlic bulb was. They never ever saw or used any garlic.

Another peeve. I have quit asking my wife what she wants for dinner. She always say's "whatever you want". But she never complains and she likes most everything I put on the table.
Amazing woman. Never tells me what to. Never argues. Never spends money without asking me. Even though I have told her to spend whatever she wants and she does not need my permission. Talks very little and very softly. Trustworthy. Helpful. And to many more things to type.

You'd better be really nice to that lady. Sounds like you hit the jackpot.
When someone ( my wife) decides to do something (empty the dishwasher, take a phone call, feed the cats ...) at the exact time dinner is ready. The delay itself is not the issue, its that it took time and skill to get everything to be ready at the same time, just for it to get over done or cold while waiting for her to complete her tasks. I usually state when it will be ready when I start, and give a 5 - 10 minute warning when its getting close. doesnt help.

Craig will inevitably decide to start doing something, making a rub, marinade, etc., for a future dinner when it's time for me to start making current night's dinner. If I'm the only one cooking dinner, I don't want anybody in my way. He's done this ever since I've known him. Has always driven me up a freaking wall, and he knows it's a pet perve of mine, but especially now when he is so slow because of stroke residual issues.

The day before he smoked the pulled pork recently, he sat around all day long watching TV until 3 p.m. when I told him he needed to get up and make his rub and do whatever else he needed to do before it was time for me to make dinner. He huffed and puffed about it, but did do it.
I don't have a dishwasher. I do all the cooking. But apparently, the dishwasher is also me. I suggested to my brother over the Christmas break that he might like to take on some of the dishwashing. Over the past 15 days he has washed up 3 times. On none of those occasions did he put anything away, or wipe down any of the surfaces (which I do as an integral part of washing up). He now appears to have forgotten our conversation entirely.
And yet you let him live, @KatyCooks. ?

I know perfectly what you deal with - Himself is the exact same.
I DO let him live CG!! LOL He is a a very nice person - just seems to hate washing dishes.

But so do I!

If my kitchen had even the slightest bit of space for a dishwasher I would have whacked one in ages ago. But unfortunately, the only way to expand is to get builders in (approx £25k/$30k) just for the building work. Sadly not feasible unless I win the lottery!
I have a tiny dishwasher, but it rocks. Yes, I lost some cabinet space, and I also have a tiny kitchen. However, this was totally space well-spent. Our dishwasher is 18 inches (45 cm) wide, but it thinks it is big. Truly, of all of the things we did in our kitchen remodel, sacrificing the cabinet space for the dishwasher was the game-changer.
@Kathleen I have seen these and tried every way to fit one in. Unless I can wallmount one, it just won't work for me. My house was built in 1957 and in the UK for reasons I don't understand, they didn't think kitchens were important! (There was a huge housing shortage after the 2nd World War, but I still don't understand why kitchens were so small in "new builds" of the time - it is a common feature of houses in the UK of the era.)

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